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Litter of 1?????

Just looking for opinions re: a pregnancy where there is likely only 1 pup.

I have a bitch due within a week who had x-rays done a couple of days ago and they revealed 0 pups.We were expecting few or no pups due to her lack of progression!

However, we are noticing that there is a clear discharge from her rear teats!! We are thinking maybe one hidden pup???????

We are now wondering what to do. Should we do more rads and plan a C-section if there is a single pup???? Should we let her try and whelp first????? She typically whelps VERY easily ..... best we have ever had!

We have only had one other litter of 1 and the female needed a C-section after labor stopped. The pup was saved though!

Anyone with success whelping a litter of 1?

Re: Litter of 1?????

(or another x ray)and if she is confirmed, a planned c section NOT before you do a progesterone test and she's 2.0

Re: Litter of 1?????

If you had an x-ray and you saw nothing what makes you think that this is not a false pregnancy? My experience with false pregnancy includes milk production.

If you still think she is pregnant I would consider another consult with the vet on the due date to potentially do another x-ray/sonogram to look for that singleton you think is there.

Re: Re: Litter of 1?????

I agree with Susan. False pregnancies can be very convincing.

Re: Litter of 1?????

Certainly will do more X-rays and be 100% certain there is a pup before any C-section!!!!

My first thought was not a false pregnancy since this was a planned breeding where all looked great in terms of timing, semen quality, etc.

Of course, it could be!

Re: Re: Litter of 1?????

Probably a false pregnancy... just because everything was planned and right on does not mean the dog is gauranteed to conceive.... I had one girl who I bred (everything timed, semen great, bred at the right time etc...) thought for sure she was pg as she had milk and even the temp drop and clear vaginal discharge... guess what? No puppies there...

Re: Litter of 1?????

usually an xray one week from due date would pick up even one pup due to density of bone, hard to hide since it would probably be a good size.

Friend just went through second false pregnancy with same bitch. She gained weight, got milk, had drop in temp, nested and acted like she was in pups at all.

Re: Re: Re: Litter of 1????? Me too - also very concerned

I too am expecting a litter of one. Did you do an ultra sound and see any pups? If not I would suspect a false pregnancy also.
I did an ultra sound at day 25-26 don't remember which right now - we had to hunt but saw one! I am hoping that we were a bit early with the US and just couldn't find more but think that is not likely - she is day 39 right now and I think I can tell that she is pregnant but if I had not bred her I would be missing it. We will go in for an xray a bit later for an exact count.If I do not see at least one at that point I will be feeling much the same as you do now - maybe worse as we really did see one!
I went to a Myra Savant seminar not long ago and her opinion is to not cut your bitch. She thinks it is better to risk having a dead puppy than risk your bitch unless you have to for your bitches safety. I don't know how I feel about this. I do want my one puppy but love my bitch!
So - if there is one for you (and I think probably not if you xrayed) you face the same hard decision as I do. Let her try to deliver or not.I too would appreciate advice.......
I am not helping you , or myself either I am sorry.
Is there a spell check on here? Can't find one......
Please everyone wish us both a safe delivery.

Re: Litter of 1?????

Thanks for the replies. I have seen false pregnancies as you describe too!

We have also had x-rays not show accurate counts. As one example, we had X-rays done on a bich a year ago and the count was 5! We expected many more with her weight gain and size. After she had whelped 5, we knew there were more although labor had stopped. We went to the vets and X-rays showed 2 more so a C-section was completed that delivered 4 more ..... 9 in total!!!

Re: Litter of 1?????

Did you see the x-ray. It can be difficult to count when there are multiple puppies. However, I can't imagine how you could possible miss a singleton on an x-ray.

Re: Litter of 1?????

Yes, I saw it and there was no evidence of any skeletons.

Re: Re: Litter of 1?????

if you did good quality x-rays after day 50, and didn't see any babies, there is no babies. It is normal to have milky dischard close to due date when they are not pregnant.

Re: Re: Re: Litter of 1?????

You could do a progesterone- that would tell you if she is pregnant. If she is- do a section- after a temp drop. Dr Hutch says section under 3 or over 8 pups- now of course there are those who did just fine otherwise, but there are those who have done sections for one dead pup thinking they would give the bitch a chance to whelp herself.

Re: Litter of 1?????

You say she is due in a week and you x-rayed a few days ago - 9 days pre whelp.

I would do another x-ray to be sure you weren't too early the first time.

I prefer 4 or 5 days pre whelp.

Or pull progesterone as suggested.

If she does only have one in there - I wish you luck.

Re: Litter of 1?????

We recently had a litter of 1. Our girl looked quite big & we though there would be 5 or 6 pups until the xray showed 1 huge puppy. An xray after day 50 will show a puppy. It is developed and moving around.
No puppy... a false pregnance will give all the signs of a real pregnancy, including colustrum & milk.
Our singleton pup was 24.4 oz and floating in a horn filled with fluids. The other horn was also filled with fluids. The puppy was so large & developed we could see toes on the x ray. It would not have made it through the birth canal because of the huge shoulders & chest. Singleton pups can grow quite large with no competition.Xrays don't show the bulk of the puppy. The C section
surely saved the pup. Our girl didn't
have milk so we supplement fed for 4 days while we were giving her Oxytocin & Metaclopramide to bring in milk. She has milk for 1 puppy. Eyes opened early & we started feeding mush at about 17 days. At 4 wks. he's 5lbs 7 oz, loves puppy food & will have company this weekend to interact with. Whew! He's already a very special puppy.

Re: Litter of 1?????

We recently had a litter of 1. Our girl looked quite big & we though there would be 5 or 6 pups until the xray showed 1 huge puppy. An xray after day 50 will show a puppy. It is developed and moving around.
No puppy... a false pregnance will give all the signs of a real pregnancy, including colustrum & milk.
Our singleton pup was 24.4 oz and floating in a horn filled with fluids. The other horn was also filled with fluids. The puppy was so large & developed we could see toes on the x ray. It would not have made it through the birth canal because of the huge shoulders & chest. Singleton pups can grow quite large with no competition.Xrays don't show the bulk of the puppy. The C section
surely saved the pup. Our girl didn't
have milk so we supplement fed for 4 days while we were giving her Oxytocin & Metaclopramide to bring in milk. She has milk for 1 puppy. Eyes opened early & we started feeding mush at about 17 days. At 4 wks. he's 5lbs 7 oz, loves puppy food & will have company this weekend to interact with. Whew! He's Bella's last pup & already very special.