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Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

She just vomited her dinner, has loose stool , is lethargic. Litter /4 weeks seems just fine.

Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

Take her temperature. Check her gums. Feel her teats to be sure they're soft and nothing is clogged. Things can go wrong very quickly with a mom and new pups. If temperature is up, gums are grey and sticky or her teats feel hard and hot, take her to your vet. Good luck.

Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

Take her away from the puppies until she is better. If not better in the morning take her to the vet. Any vaginal discharge?

Re: Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

Slightly Elevated temp. Walked her , no discharge, teets are normal. Mash potato stool . She ate some yogurt and some electrolytes. Crated her.
One of the dogs out in the kennel was a little off the other day , I think it is a spring bug.

Re: Re: Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

Could be, but remember her immune system is compromised by the pregnancy, and you want to make sure it is nothing serious. I would take her to the vet if not better in 24 hours.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

I will take her in the morning if she does not have a normal temp. I gave her some Previcox , should allow her get some rest untill then.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bitch/w/4week olds/ loose stool/vomit

Normal temp this morn. Ate full meal, gave more electrolytes, put her in w/litter. It must have been that 24 hour spring bug that is going around. Heads up to all!