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Arkansas Legislation!

This bill taxes anyone who has 12 or more cats and/or dogs, in any combination. The fee is $250 for 12 to 23 animals and $1000 for 24 or more animals. There is no exemption for rescue. It gives AC the right to do a warrentless search based on supposition or complaint.

Re: Arkansas Legislation!

How can one adequately take care of 12 dogs anyway?I think they should be taxed.I do not care if you have a spread the size of Ben Cartwright's Ponderosa, Labs,especially,need lots of undivided attention.They are the neediest of all the breeds and it is impossible to give them the attention that they require and deserve when you have more than five!!!

Re: Arkansas Legislation!

"How can one adequately take care of 12 dogs anyway?I think they should be taxed.I do not care if you have a spread the size of Ben Cartwright's Ponderosa, Labs,especially,need lots of undivided attention.They are the neediest of all the breeds and it is impossible to give them the attention that they require and deserve when you have more than five!!!"

You have no right to be so judgemental if you haven't seen how the dogs are cared for. I have 12 dogs and I do have a small "spread". I have 6 Labs, 4 pugs (1 is a rescue) and 2 rescued terriers as well as 2 horses and 4 mini donkeys plus the inside cat and the two barn cats. All my animals are well cared for and loved. BTW, half are spayed/neutered and 2 more are about to be. I know there are people on this list who have been here and seen my dogs either here or at shows so can vouch for me!

My dogs are all house dogs -- no kennel here. They are all currently laying spread out around the area by me. The large dogs all go for runs/walks 1 to 2 times per day besides the 3 to 4 times per day they are out in the fenced yard. Almost every one of them is being trained/competes in some sort of event whether it is agility, field, rally/obedience or tracking. I also show in conformation. In the last year 10 out of the 12 were entered in at least one event. (no I'm not rich -- we just don't spend money on other things) The dogs are all individually licensed and it cost me $150 last year to do so, will be more this year as they raised the rates. Several of them sleep on the bed with us each night as well as the rescued pug. If they were unhappy in a "pack" I would place them and have done so a couple of times in the past 20+ years I've had Labs. Otherwise they are here for life.

Of interest, in an interview a few years ago Susan Butcher, who races in the Iditarod, said she had 100 huskies but she would never get 101 because she could only care for 100 properly. Everyone has to decide individually how many dogs (or children!) they can care for -- if you can't do more than 5, no problem but don't tell me I can't have more and that I should be taxed extra when I already pay for licensing. So should I get rid of my beloved 14 year old or the rescued 8 month old terrier/lab mix because they make #12? That's the kind of dilemma laws like that would cause people and I would guess they would shoot or dump #12 or #24 rather than take time to place or euthanize humanely. Of course I would not part with any of mine but taxing me extra would then just take money away that I need to care for the dogs/pay off my vet so it sure wouldn't benefit the dogs.

Re: Arkansas Legislation!

~How can one adequately take care of 12 dogs anyway?I think they should be taxed.I do not care if you have a spread the size of Ben Cartwright's Ponderosa, Labs,especially,need lots of undivided attention.They are the neediest of all the breeds and it is impossible to give them the attention that they require and deserve when you have more than five!!!~

That's about the most uninformed statement I've ever heard regarding dog care. The amount of "undivided attention" is individual to the dog .... any dog .... any breed.