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Shipping semen with Camelot box

Shipping semen in the Camelot box, for the top refrigerated box that the tube goes between the two white ice packs, do you just put the tube between the white ice packs directly? Someone else recommended putting the tube in some paper towel and then putting between those two white packs in the refrigerated box?
I am afraid the paper towel might create a barrier and not keep the semen tube as chilled as it would be just by itself? Looked on Camelot website and couldn't find a direct answer to correct shipping recommended, other than I think they say to just put the tube between the two white packs, at least that is what they said for frozen. Please advise if you have shipped using Camelot Farms boxes. It is being shipped overnight and tube is chilled in refrigerator right now. Thank you!

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

We have always wrapped it in a paper towel. And then stuck it between the two ice packs. I would not just put it on ice.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

Great, thank you for the advice! The top box that is just refrigerated, those ice packs are not frozen solid, just very cold, but still soft and moveable, unlike the bottom box that has frozen solid ice packs. It is hard to know how chilled is too chilled I suppose, such a fine line.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

Don't ever put it directly on or near the freezer brick because if it freezes it's dead.

Using the paper towel should be fine. I've always put mine directly between the chilled packets.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

I put the tube(s) in a ziplock baggy. Then I put between the chill packs.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

with the Camelot box
I tape the top of the vile and put it in a zip lock bag in case it opens the semen is still usable.
then slide it directly between the two chilled (not frozen) bags. this set up then goes on top of the frozen bags.

Most people who are wrapping with a paper towel are not using the Camelot there for they dont have the same set up.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

Thank you! It is a little nervewracking, even though we have done it successfully many times, just feel it is so fragile in the tube, you know? When stored in your refrigerator, what should the temp be in your refrigerator? I have one refrigerator that is not as cold it seems, but says it is 32 degrees. Have another fridge that seems colder, but it is older and does not tell the temperature.

Another thing, when shipping overnight and FedEx does not pickup the box until 5-6pm, would you keep the semen tube in your refrigerator at home until closer to the cutoff time for FedEx? I dropped it off around noon today, but the box will not be picked up by FedEx until 5pm tonight, so that is about 4 hours more I could have it chilled at home, instead of in the box, even though the box is chilled I know.
What would you do? It doesn't get there any faster sending it earlier in the day, it just sits at the FedEx place waiting to be picked up.

Re: Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

You sound very excited, good for you. Guess we always used the paper towels just to keep it in place and from sliding around. And using Camelot box, have done it alot. We always collect as late as we can. But have dropped it off at Fed Ex like you said hours before they really send it off. We never know where it sits for a few hours after it leaves us anyway. They are pretty fast. This time of year the smaller boxes cost alot less to ship. That big box is out of site now. Maybe you are way down South. Just a thought.

Re: Shipping semen with Camelot box

For the smaller boxes, the white styrofoam boxes, how much bubble wrap do you use around the semen tube? I think if you use too much bubble wrap, it won't stay cool, but if you use too little, could it get too cold? I only used enough to wrap around the tube about
1 1/2 times, so it was a small layer of bubble wrap that was then placed on top of newspaper with ice packs underneath the newspaper. This was for a Saturday shipment arriving on Monday, think it sounds okay?