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Impact seizure?

Hi. Just wondering if anyone has had one of their dogs seizure after running into something. My 3 year old boy jumped off our 3 ft concrete porch this morning after something in the yard and when he realized he reached the end of the lead, he spun around and ran into the side of the house/porch. I cannot really describe the following events, because I was in shock, but he started vocalizing (almost a growl which I have never heard). While I was repeating his name to get his attention, he fell to the ground and had trouble getting up. The entire event probably only lasted seconds, but to me it felt like much longer. Once he was standing, I hesitated to touch him as his hackles were raised and he acted as if he was rabid. This quickly went away, he went back into the house and stole my slipper. Anyone ever seen this? He is being looked at by a neurologist right now to make sure everything is okay, but when I told them what happened, they cannot believe that an impact like this would be hard enough to cause a seizure in a big male lab with a thick skull like his.

Re: Impact seizure?

He was on a lead or tied out somewhere ?, which would be awful. Did he cut off his wind and black out or something.

Re: Impact seizure?

I believe that any head trauma can induce seizures and it's likely you may see permanent damage.

Just like people who have brain injuries.

This is why I make sure my homes are not planning to tie their Labs to anything.
I think that Labs just aren't the type of breed that's safe tied. Too many horror stories like yours.

I hope your boy is okay.

Re: Impact seizure?

It may have been a seizure, but more likely he was just dazed. When they get disoriented and in pain, they only have one defense - teeth. I have learned not to reach out to comfort one that is temporarily disoriented because they really are not responsible for what they do. It is just a fight or flight response to the sudden shock of pain and confusion. He will likely be OK. Did it last more than a minute? Usually this sort of sudden injury response is over in about 15-30 seconds.

Re: Impact seizure?

He probably just had the 'wind knocked out' of him. Startled himself.

Re: Impact seizure?

My male had a seizure from a blow to the head. He stiffened up and was totally unresponsive for a couple of minutes. It was over that quick and he never had another one. He was about 15 months at the time, and lived to be 14 and got many titles after that.

I myself have had a seizure (from the same) many years ago, and never had another one.

Re: Impact seizure?

Of heard of it happening, and it can happen, like, when a dog gets up and hits its head hard under a coffee table or something. Absolutely.

Re: Re: Impact seizure?

Does not sound like he had seizure activity (and I live with a seizing lab)-don't worry too much, bet he is just fine. Let us know how his check up goes.

Seizure update

Well, neurology said he seems fine. He ran around the room with his leash in his mouth and was just as goofy as normal. No deficits or signs remaining.

Just to clarify. This boy is my inside dog. I don't have unsupervised dogs that are outside of the crate. He was on the end of a 4 ft leash on a flat nylon collar when the accident happened. The tie out is just for him to toilet ... he is never on it for more than 5 minutes or so and I am always supervising while I have the younger lab in another spot in the yard on a leash so both can toilet at the same time and I don't get all twisted up.

Thanks for the responses. I am going to be paranoid for while whenever he leaves my sight. Good thing this boy is like glue and usually sticks to me :).

Re: Seizure update

I have a dog of another breed that has had this happen. In her case, the effects lasted much longer: maybe 10 minutes when she was dazed, stiff and unresponsive, followed by 5 minutes or so (seemed like and hour) of seizing with some jerking and uncoordinated movement, followed by a period of awareness but no desire to move--just laid in my lap shivering. Thankfully, once this phase was over she seemed completely normal and later exam by a vet found no impairment. She fell down a steep stairway. As a 4 month old puppy she had a similar experience when she crashed into a tree while running full speed in the yard, looking over her shoulder at her companions who were chasing/running with her.

Re: Re: Seizure update

That is so scary. From what others have said it can happen and you are lucky. I would still never tie one like that. Have heard of them hanging themselves over rails and fences. Maybe a small kennel from Walmart or a hardware would work. If they can get into trouble they will find a way.