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Time to Spay Question

I have a girl I decided to place and had planned to spay her next week.
Today there were spots of blood in her crate.
At what point can you spay a bitch when you see color? Now? In a month?
I want to do what is best for her of course.
I asked two vets and got two different answers!

Re: Time to Spay Question

two months after her cycle is over, which is about 3 months after you see color.

Re: Re: Time to Spay Question

Is this her first heat?Let her go through her first heat so that the estrogen enables her growth plates to close.Definitely wait another three months.

Re: Time to Spay Question

If the new owners want the dog soon, go ahead & spay. Believe it or not, vets spay more bitches in heat (cats too!)than not. She'll be fine.

Re: Time to Spay Question

"Is this her first heat?Let her go through her first heat so that the estrogen enables her growth plates to close.Definitely wait another three months. "

That is how I would do it even if she is older. Excellent advice given.

Re: Time to Spay Question

Thanks for the replies.
I forgot to mention that my girl is 16 mos old and this is her second heat.
I will wait the three months as what is best for her is the most important.