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registration question

I have a dumb questio.
When filling out a registration paper I am confused.

If I am the breeder and I am keeping a puppy on the back of the form I check the box that says "we still own................." and sign in the top section.

Do I then also fill out the New Owner Information section in the middle of the page?

Do I also sign the third section in red that says New Owners?

Thanks in advance.

Re: registration question

I think if you are keeping the pup, you just ignore the new owner sections. Now if you happen to have bred the litter and you and hubby are co-owners on it, and you don't want to be co-owners on the new pup, you would "sell" the pup to just yourself, and you would be the New Owner. Clear as mud???

Re: registration question

No, not clear.

No hubby involved at all.
No co-breeder no co-owner.
Only me.
What you said confuses me more.

Re: registration question

Fill in the color, sex, etc. on the front, go to back, check that you still have ownership, then sign, send in with check OR if you go online, its easier to register, you just need the dam's papers for her name and cert. issue date.
Hope this helps :-)

Re: Re: registration question

I have done it both ways and it works either. Use to think I'll just go on and fill it all out. Last couple of times tryed it the other way. Its fine. Just I still own and signature.

Re: registration question

Hi Debbie, I can see how this would be confusing to you as well if you haven't filled these akc forms out often.

Just check the Litter Owner Information, box to the left of page where it states, I or we still own this dog and apply for registration and to hve ownership recorded in my or our names. AKC has all your information typed on the front of your AKC reg application so they know who you are.

The New owner information is only for if you sell this puppy to someone else. It used to be that the breeder had to fill that part out as well per akc rules but not sure if that has changed at all.

You don't have to sign or fill out any other part on the back of the form except your signiture at the top left and check the box that you still own the dog.

I made some errors when filling out a few of my dog registration application forms this time and called AKC up to ask if it's ok to use white out and they said yes and to initial it where I made the errors. They told me where AKC gets more critical of the forms is when it looks like people have forged names etc.

I found out alot when I called AKC and talked to the rep. The front of the application is where you have to fill out alot of things so be sure you don't leave anything out so your puppy's papers are not delayed !!

Re: registration question

I have been selling dogs to myself for years. I always fill out and sign the new owner section for pups I keep. I believe everyone in that I am doing it wrong. But I want to add that the AKC has never said anything and the registrations go through without any problems.