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SJVLRC Specialty results

Any info on the show results?

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Best In Sweeps- Nipntuck Stocking Stuffer
Best Op Sweeps- Cimarron Skyfire By Gosh N By Golly
Best Veteran Sweeps- Ch. Blackwaters Nipntuck Cheerleader
Best Op Veteran Sweeps- Ch. Sure Shot's Baloo
Winners Dog- Nipntuck Stocking Stuffer
Reserve Winners Dog (from the 6-9 month class!!!)- Riverlane's Ghoststone Blue Angel
Winners Bitch- Somersun Blackthorn Temptress Tich
Reserve Winners Bitch- Somersun Free Spirit
Best Of Breed- Ch. Hyspire SurShot Juz Bcuz Im Hot
Best Op- WB
Best Of Winners- WD

WD:Can CH Sunnydaze Indigo, JH NEW CH!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Was Fridays BOB bred by the judge? Judy Heim was the slated judge. Was there a change?

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

No, he was bred by Jan G...

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Ahhh... That makes more sense! Congrats to Jan G and all the other winners!!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Ahhh... That makes more sense! Congrats to Jan G and all the other winners!!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

HYSPIRESURSHOT JUZ BCUZ IM HOT. SR180906/04. 05/28/2004. BREEDER: D. Leveque V. Russell L. DaRoss & J. Heim. By Hyspire Mo Hotta Mo Betta-Ch JanRod's Tammy Why Not. OWNER: Janis I. Grannemann & Tori Jackson.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

yes she bred him. yes she put up a dog she bred.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

The whole Sat specialty was just UNREAL everyway you looked at it!!!! Judging, Attitude, was awful the way it was done!! My last time there!!!!!

Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Sorry, Fridays Judging. NOT Sat

Re: Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Sounds like sour grapes to me

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Not Sour Grapes at all!!! It's reality!!!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

When one poster accuses another of "sour grapes" it is truly funny. That accuser is expressing an OPINION - not fact - just as the person who expressed their opinion about the show, judging, food, or anything else.

Why is one person's OPINION another person's SOUR GRAPES?

Just get over yourselves people . geeeeeeeeez

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

We had a great time!! The weather was beautiful. The grounds great. Hospitality was wonderful and who can beat a show full of labbies.

The after show dinner was wonderful and we got to meet so many new people. As for the judging, hopefully the judge would love something she had bred!!!! The AKC rules do not say a dog bred by the judge cannot be shown. Here it is:

>No entry may be made under a judge if the judge or any member of his/her immediate household or family have owned, handled in the ring more than twice, sold, held under lease or boarded within one year (Chapter 11, Section 13).<

The winner was 4 years old and has other specialty BISS plus RWD at Potomac. Most puppies are sold at 8 weeks, sooooooo enough said.

It is sour grapes.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

The integrity and respect of the judge and the exhibitor is in question know matter how you spin it ...I can tell you who my dogs are no matter who's showing them, the judge took the ultimate step and had the final word on what she thought was the right thing to do. Tip Toeing through the rule book is one thing, Self respect and throwing your self in front of a firing squad of your peers is another. Winning is not everything.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

If it appears wrong - it is wrong.

nothing sour here - it is just the appearance of impropriety which is the question.

rules are in face rules, but there is a factor here which goes far beyond the rules.

such as a sweeps judge showing her dogs to the judges she was on panel with at a weekend show. it might be legal but it looks horrible.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

I love you people who are afraid to say things under your own names. It is so easy to say negative things when you cannot be held responsible.

I entered my dogs to support the judge and my club. I own three dogs, two of which are showable and I entered them both. I co-own another dog and entered him to support the judge even though he was totally out of coat and rightfully walked in his class.

I did not show the BISS dog as I had another dog in the breed who I always show. I walked with my other dog by the way. My BISS dog is normally shown by other people.

As for showing a dog bred by the judge, the dog was 8 weeks old when I got him and she was not even there. I did not enter on Sunday as I was unable to attend the show.

I am sorry if this causes the judge any problems. It never entered my mind that this would be perceived as wrong (which it is not). She did a great job and does not deserve any of these flames. I had no idea how little minds could turn something so innocent into something bad.


Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Lets not get away from the topic the fact someone does not put there name would make all guilty at some point and does not change the dynamics of the situation.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

I must say that I enjoy going to this specialty and don't expect to go WD, WB, or anything else but have a great time socializing my dogs and seeing people I haven't seen in awhile. I usually don't even look at who has bred what unless I really like that dog/bitch.
I do expect to have fun and do expect everyone to smile or be polite, but I expect this in most situations when they are in public.
I must say that I did notice that this was not always the case here. Could have been some were not feeling up to par or whatever the case was.
I did win two great raffle prizes and want to thank Jan for a great job she did on the raffle this year.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

didn't the terrier judge walk a couple exhibits for conflict of interest? That could have been done here and everyone would have nothing to gripe about.

The dog that won at this specialty is more than worthy and it is sad that this whole situation had to taint his win.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

I LOVE this show, the people, the grounds and the atmosphere. I look forward to SJVLRC every year and can't wait to meet up with all the people I only get to see a couple of times a year.

We have a ball with all these fabulous people regardless of winning or not. Happily for me this year I did take home the WD points on Saturday and finish my lovely, sweet boy.

The comradery of this group is warm and wonderful. I with THRILLED to finish my boy here in front of so many of my friends.

I will come back year after year because we have FUN! I guess for those of you who don't or didn't have fun it's really too're missing out!

Thank you SJVLRC for putting on such a great show!!!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Staying on subject the dog that won today was only entered today. Seems to be a trend here.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Hey Anon... regarding your statement "Staying on subject the dog that won today was only entered today. Seems to be a trend here."...

There are many reasons a dog is only entered at one show... here is a list to choose from: 1. A dog is co-owned with a judge one of the shows but not the other. 2. Family functions on one show day but not the other. 3. Work day on one show day but not the other 4. Money is tight, so show under the judge you think you have a better chance to win with. 5. Personal reasons. We know of dogs not entered both days of SJVLRC for all those reasons.

Look outside the tiny bubble of insinuating politics and you just might find truth.

Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

"When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will."
Abraham Lincoln

Why can't we celebrate a very lovely boy? Both the judge and the dog's owners are ethical, honest, knowledgeable folk who have been in this a long time. To cast doubt their integrity or on the validity of this win is really shameful. Wouldn't we rather be remembered by another quote from the movie--
"We looked for the good in them, and we found it."

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

If it appears wrong - it is wrong.

nothing sour here - it is just the appearance of impropriety which is the question.

rules are in face rules, but there is a factor here which goes far beyond the rules.

such as a sweeps judge showing her dogs to the judges she was on panel with at a weekend show. it might be legal but it looks horrible.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

I feel the fault here lies with the owner of the dog, not the judge. The owner should not have put the judge in an awkward position. It is a lose-lose situation for all. AKC has many rules that are just wrong, and being able to show a dog to it's own breeder is one of them. Most exhibitors know they can, but would not. Lesson learned, hopefully.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Wow. I am still shocked and saddened every time I read threads like this. And what amazes me is that they never end!!! Why cannot people just say congratulations or say nothing at all?

My mother, Jan Grannemann, is one of the most honest and ethical people around. According to AKC, she did no wrong and she did not show him because she was on her other special. I am usually the one showing Jess, who with my clumsy handling has taking a BISS, BOS at the National, and RWD at Potomac, but I was at home taking care of my daughter. Her dogs were not entered Sunday because she had to get home and could not stay for the remainder of the show. So please stop attacking her and Judy. Judy put up what she thought was the best dog in the ring like all ethical judges do.

And congratulations and many thanks to Debbie for putting another BISS on Jess. This is the first time Debbie has taken a BISS and now you people are diminishing that for her.

Now back to taking care of my 2 year old, who is more mature than most of you people!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

From the AKC Rules, Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges
The key is to avoid all situations
that are likely to give the impression of impropriety.
You must do everything possible to keep your reputation above reproach.

A conflict of interest exists when a judge is influenced
by any relationship or factor other than the merit of the dogs.

Both judges (owner and invited judge) failed miserably.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

When I bought my first show dog from a big-time breeder who is also a judge, I asked her if I should never show to her in the future. She said "Sure - you can show to me, but I only ask one thing - don't show me a dog I bred."

So that's the guidelines I follow when I decide who to show to and who to refrain from showing to.

Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Well said Jen! Thank you!

Since "Anon" who is too insecure (or whatever) to use her/his name and is pointing a finger directly at me I will answer, even though I shouldn't have to justify the finger pointing at all with an answer.

All of my dogs where entered both days under all judges except ONE dog. The reason for this is Friday's judge co-owns a dog with one of the co-owners on my dog. Since the co-owner is active in co-owning dogs with both myself and the judge on Friday it is considered a conflict of interest in the eyes of the AKC.

So please, stop pointing fingers from inside your tiny bubble.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

I have stayed quiet on this long enough. I was the other person handling Jess. Jan was handling Striker.
The way this all started was last year, at the end of the show in 2008 Vonnie, Judy and Lisa were saying goodbyes to all and Jan and I went over to say goodbye and they said the entries next year would be up to us because all of their dogs would not be showing because Judy was judging. So we entered all of our dogs that were showable. Jan entered her 2 showable dogs and I entered my 2 pups as well as my naked bred-by. We entered our dogs to support Judy and the club. I did not enter the remainder of the weekend since I could not be there Sunday.
There was no thought given to whom was breeder or anything else. We entered our dogs. If you have done online entries before, you know that you enter the info the first time for whatever show may have been eons ago and look for the dogs name and click send. I know this is what happened because I do it for every entry I make online.
The reference to somebody else showing the dog is a slap in the face to Jan and me. Jan and I have been traveling to shows together and breeding dogs together for over 20 years. There was no ringer thrown in to handle the dog. In fact, my handling skills are not always the greatest and I am the first to admit it. I try hard to do a good job and present a dog respectably. I am not flashy and flamboyant, but above all, I am an honest person and would like to thank you all for those who congratulated me. It was a thrill of a lifetime even if it was not my dog. I had a great time and it was a wonderful birthday present.

To Judy, I am extremely sorry for the trashing you are receiving here. It was not our intention to cause any sort of impropriety. I respect you as a person, judge, and breeder. You and the other girls have always been kind to me and to Jan and I hope that you can understand that the entering of Jess was not done to cause conflict.

I do have one question for all of those who feel we did wrong. What is the difference between showing a dog from a judge's bitch line to the judge and showing a dog from the judge's stud dog?

Debbie Morton

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Debbie, Jan, Judy, Michael et al, I'm just sorry that what sounds like a wonderful weekend by most who attended, is marred by this kind of stupidity! Congrats to ALL who went, showed & won but BIGGER congrats to those that did all/part of that AND didn't complain afterward!!! JMO

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Congratulations to all of the winners! I am only sorry that I missed it this year, this is such a fun specialty to go to (but aren't they all??). I am sure that Nancy Tanner had some great songs going in the ring, she really knows how to pick them!

Hope that everyone had a safe journey home.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

this is not the first time Jan put up a dog she bred
i think it was jess's brother at a very small show and she knew jeff was showing him

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

First, congrats to all winners!

Second, there are so few judges that are well veresed in Labs. All breed shows are a total lottery almost everytime. We should all be grateful to any knowledgeable breeders who are willing to judge our stock. GRATEFUL.

Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Jan was not judging

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

* * *
Not I either time. I was not judging!


Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

Sure glad our dogs don't fuss like we do. How sad this is. There is such a few trying to make a big deal out of what was suppose to be a fun week end for you ladys. Most of us who attend specialtys know you and respect you. Don't let a few make you feel bad. They are the losers.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

If I'm understanding this correctly, some of you think the winning dogs should not have won. If that's the case, which dogs do you think were more deserving of the wins?

From what I've read here, it doesn't seem like the rules were broken, and if the best dogs won, isn't that the point? Just curious.

It also seems like it was a nice show and the club should be congratulated for putting it together.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty results

The dog that won was deserving of the win, but should not have been there to get the win. IMO, it does not matter if AKC says it is ok or not. No judge should be faced with having to judge a dog they bred. It is a lose-lose for everyone, as this thread here is proving. I do not fault the judge at all. I have seen this same thing happen before, and I did not fault the judges then. I fault the owner. They should know better than to put someone in this awkward situation. And, AKC should change the rule. No dog shown to it's own breeder. Period. Who would argue with that? And, no judge would be forced to deal with a weird situation.