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Potomac Hotel

Has anyone every stayed at the Hampton Inn in Maryland or the Comfort Inn? We booked with another hotel and they don't allow pets

Re: Potomac Hotel

We are staying at the Comfort Inn (haven't been there before) and they gave us a show rate of $79 per night. There is a dog fee - don't remember how much, but not outrageous. Maybe $10.

Re: Re: Potomac Hotel

Thank you VERY much.I owe you a beer or a glass of wine or something. Thanks to you, we got the same rate and not the $136 they wanted to charge. So when you see a redheaded fella from Nova Scotia Canada in the parking lot walking a chocolate lab, come say hello.

Re: Potomac Hotel

Are you single? LMAO

Re: Potomac Hotel

My friends and I have stayed at the Comfort Inn for 3 years in a row. It is a great with a complimentary continental breakfast each morning.

Re: Re: Re: Potomac Hotel

You are very welcome Scott. When the Holiday Inn sent me to them for overflow, I told the business manager that the Holiday had a group discount price for their rooms during the specialty. She checked into the event, found out it was HUGE and called back with their best discount rate. I posted on here about it, so hope that lots of people looking for a bargain were able to book accommodations. NOW... let's be sure to do excellent clean up so that they will offer us a good price again next year