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Horner's syndrome

My almost 9yr. old bitch was spayed about 4wks. prior to the droopy eyes that my vet feels is Horner's syndrome. Has anyone ever had any experience with a Lab or other breed being diagnosed with this? Of course more diagnostic tests need to be performed to find the cause, although I was also told it can be idiopathic.
Concerned Lab onwer

Re: Horner's syndrome

In a 11 year old bitch, one eye only though. Vet suspected Horner's syndrome. In our case, it resolved on it's own (I'd say it took 3 - 4 months though).

Some good info here:

Re: Re: Horner's syndrome

My case was similar- one eye drooping in an older bitch, and it resolved after a fairly short period of time. She did eventually, three or four years later, have a stroke at age 14 that limited her mobility so much that I had to put her down.

Re: Horner's syndrome

I had a male lab diagnosed with this in one eye. It took several months but finally resolved itself. I was more disturbed by it than he was.