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San Joaquin Valley LRC Shows

As usual, San Joaquin Valley LRC put on two fantastic shows! The dinner and karaoke Saturday night was, as usual, a blast! There was over 60 people there enjoying the California wine, barbecue tri-tip, buffet, and delicious deserts. Laura & Steve Fletcher could start a country singing career! The morning array of tasty breakfast treats were plentiful and yummy. Nancy Tanner was Doggy DJ for a new treat, playing fun music at the end and beginning of each class. The gang of kids riding their bikes around remind us all of the fun chaos our breed loves to be surrounded by. The heart clinic is a nice opportunity for those of us who like to echo our dogs at a discounted price and saves us all a trip to the vet office. The raffle had so many quality prices to win! The judging was honest and excellent. SJVLRC is always one of our favorite shows, and this year was no different. It is a small group of dedicated breeders that put on the shows year after year, and they all deserve a big thank you!!

Re: San Joaquin Valley LRC Shows

This is a consistently great show with wonderful entries; great judges, fabulous food, and provides a fantastic opportunity to mingle with some wonderful breeders and exhibitors. It is a venue where a first -time exibitor can go into a ring with seasoned veterans and feel welcome--AND will receive handling pointers from some of the BEST!!!