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SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

I want to thank the SJVLRC Club and our members for inviting me to judge. At first, I thought Laura Fletcher and Nancy Tanner were crazy for inviting me (and Judy) since we are considered locals and are club members. I am so THANKFUL they did! Ladies, once again, you did an incredible job! I had two beautiful days of judging. The dogs were wonderful, the weather was perfect, and the hospitality was like being with a big family!

I would like to thank those exhibitors who came out to support, not only the club, but both Judy and me. In today’s economy most people are watching pennies and for those of us who choose to spend our expendable income on dog showing, I salute you for keeping this sport alive. I would also like to thank my ring steward for doing a terrific job! Thanks, Ron!

I have had the opportunity to read some of the posts regarding Friday’s show. Honestly, until you get in the ring and perform the function of an AKC judge one really shouldn’t judge the person performing the job for the event. You really have to have a thick skin to judge and we should be thankful there are people who will do it. We all are not happy with some decisions whether it be at a dog show or life in general. Accept what it is and move on.

I spoke with Judy directly and can tell you I believe in my heart she acted with integrity. Judy has been my friend for a very long time and I trust she acted honorably. We as judges know some dogs that enter our ring immediately. I can tell you that if the owner is not on the dog, some handlers will repeatedly call out the dog’s name to make sure the judge knows who it is. I know this was not the case. It is unfortunate the dog was shown to her to create such controversy. And let’s face it the HySpire ladies don’t really need “another” win that badly!

As far as who shows on what day to whom… I read a post from Jennifer Kelly and she is absolutely right. There are many different reasons why we show on one day and not the other. I know it is mostly due to judges’ preference and dog ownerships we may have with the particular judge. Enough said.

To my choices of the day… My winners… Congratulations! I was thrilled and honored to bestow upon you high honors in our sport.

In closing, it was so great seeing everyone. Thank you, again, for making our last West coast specialty a memorable one.


Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

Thank You for your post. Frankly , I had heard enough of this nonsense and ugliness, and am so glad to hear someone , jump to support our fellow breeder/judge.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

I think most people can agree that Judy was not at fault here. She has to judge the dogs that are presented to her. That dog should not have been entered under her, even if AKC says it is OK. It was a bad decision on the part of the dogs owner, and it takes away from a great win.

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

Glad you said something Michael.... I think that it is a credit that even though Judy didn't know it was a dog she bred that she put up it goes to show that she is a good judge that she found this boy and liked him enough to put him up... she is consistant in what she likes and knows a good dog when she sees one! Dennis Emken always told me what a honest and good person Judy is and I respect his opinion... I think it is a dirty shame people have to try and get down on her about her doing the job she was asked to do!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

This raises a good Question to Michael, I do not recall you putting up a dog that you bred, would I be correct in saying this? and would you feel comfortable putting up a dog that You bred, at a specialty or an all breed show?

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

I can tell you that I would NOT put up a dog that I bred... Knowingly that is. I would politely place the handler and dog at the end of the line and not utilize them. I KNOW that Judy would have done the exact same thing had she known who the dog was. Besides, it would be quite difficult for me to put up a dog we have bred given Kim and I, over the last 37+ years, have either sold or given away show prospects that I can count on one hand. So the chances of this happening are slim to none.

I would hope, however, that if someone had obtained a dog from us that they would have the common sense not enter it under me, thus placing me in that position. While I am certain it wasn't done intentionally here, it is our responsibility as exhibitors to assess each of our entries before sending them. Thus avoiding scrutiny and what looks like impropriety. I have made my share of mistakes and learned perception is everything.

I am taking a leap of faith here in answering a question directed at me so please refrain from attacking me. You can disagree with my position if yours is different, but please remain respectful.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

Sorry... My word should be "unintentionally". In my post above.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

No my words were correct... "Was not done intentionally is what I meant and did right! Geez... Get it right Michael!

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

I Respect your honest assessment

Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

How could it have been unintentional? There is a spot to write in the name of the breeder/s on the entry form. Judy's name would have had to be written in. I feel bad for Judy in this situation. It was so wrong for her to have to deal with it.

Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

You must be new to showing dogs or never learned that the judge is NOT allowed to see who is entered under them until AFTER the show!

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Replying to:

How could it have been unintentional? There is a spot to write in the name of the breeder/s on the entry form. Judy's name would have had to be written in. I feel bad for Judy in this situation. It was so wrong for her to have to deal with it.

Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

OMG! Apparantly I can't spell or speak today! "write" not "right"... I apologize!

Re: Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

Not sure what you are talking about. Michael said that the dog was entered under Judy unintentionally. I said that it would be hard to unintentionally write in the name of a breeder on an entry form. Has nothing to do with the judge seeing anything. The judge was not at fault here. The owner of the dog that entered it under it's own breeder is at fault.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SJVLRC Specialty From The Judge

So sorry, I took what you wrote to mean that you thought Judy didn't unintentionally put him up because she had seen she was the breeder before the judging, my mistake.

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Replying to:

Not sure what you are talking about. Michael said that the dog was entered under Judy unintentionally. I said that it would be hard to unintentionally write in the name of a breeder on an entry form. Has nothing to do with the judge seeing anything. The judge was not at fault here. The owner of the dog that entered it under it's own breeder is at fault.