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Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

First off, I'm sorry to have missed this show this year as I really enjoy the show, the grounds, the people and the Saturday night dinners. For those of you who have never gone to the dinner, it is a wonderful way to get to know people you only see running in and out of the ring, but in a less stressful situation!

Secondly, as many of you know I've scaled back on my "hobby" due a career change that has moved me away from my dogs, dog friends and family. I LOVE my new career and work long hours and most days a week. It leaves me with little free time to attend shows. However, dealing with REAL life and death situations on a daily basis, I find all this naysaying about some of the nicest people I've met in dogshows to be a bunch of CRAP!

Being away from dogs and working in the field I do, has allowed me to step back and take a whole new perspective on things. It's sad to see people (maybe just one person using different IDs) with nothing better to do than to call into question the integrity of some of the TOP breeders in the country! These people probably have never been in the judges shoes and had to pick the best dogs regardless of who is on the lead or who owns the dog, or what people will say about their decisions. After all it is the judge's job to find the best dog of the day in *their* opinion!

I was fortunate enough to attend a specialty show last month and had a great time catching up with old friends and aquaintances I haven't seen for a long time. But my favorite memory from the show was all the clapping my old veteran received as she proudly gaited around the ring. Believe it or not, she LOVES all that attention and I can really feel her "pick up" on the lead when the clapping starts. To me, I've found the true meaning of these shows goes far beyond the wins. It's about the people and the dogs and being their to support one another!

So for the person(s) who seems to have a problem with the judge's decision and feel they need to blast her (and the others associated with this win) for it, perhaps you may want to find a new hobby. There are far too many more important things in this world than make a stink about this! Go enjoy your dogs, relax and let this go! Enough is enough!

I am actually visiting my dogs for a few days, it's gorgeous out here and we're hitting the beach (with my new puppy)!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

PS Congratulations to all the winners!

Now off to the beach!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

congrads on your new career , time consuming I am sure but very rewarding too. appreciate your words of wisdom well put.

Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

I am lucky enough to have been in this sport for almost half my life.I have learned that our sport, just like life in general is full of all kinds of people (the good, bad, and the increasingly nasty) and it doesn't matter if they are judges, breeders, exhibitors or ring watchers. I have also learned that there are people with uncompromisable ethics who love our sport and this great breed. These same people have worked for years to keep our labs strong and sound, excelling in form and funtion. Although I am not as active as in years past, I would not pass up a chance to show under Jan or Judy again even though neither of these ladies has ever given one of my dogs the "golden ticket".

It seems that every other post is about a new threat to our dogs, one state after another. It also seems that many would rather spend their time attacking those who have worked long and hard for these very dogs. I am sure that the AR's that monitor this list are overjoyed to see that we seem more involved with destroying each other than in fighting the battles they set before us.

Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

This thread was started by one that loves to dish the "crap" more than anyone I can think of in the history of man. What a joke!

Re: Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

your comment not necessary about original poster, as a matter of fact you did exactly what she said some people do sounds to me like you are having a hard time finding anything nice to say at this moment

replied to this comment below:

This thread was started by one that loves to dish the "crap" more than anyone I can think of in the history of man. What a joke!

Re: Re: Re: Putting things into perspective-SJVLRC

Thank, yes it is time consuming but I work a lot of hours because I LOVE helping others. It is extremely rewarding and I believe my experiences have made me a better person. It does give you a totally different perspective on life. Stepping away from the back-biting, gossiping lifestyle for some in the dogshow world and surrounding myself with really good, caring coworkers and such was the breath of fresh ar I needed.

Occasionally I will check the forum for current events and it's sad to see all the nastiness still continuing. I doubt it will ever end, some people just seem to feed off of it.

And Doris is right about all the legislation pending out there. If we don't all band together on this, we will lose and breeding/showing dogs will become a thing of the past. Where will all the nastiness go then?

As for !!!'s comment, it's not worth wasting my time responding to.

Take care!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT B
Los Angeles, CA