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My heart is broken

I am sorry to say that while I was attending the SJVLRC Specialty we lost CH Ghoststone's Louie Downtown CD, WC

I appreciate the support and kind words from so many people at the show that heard about the passing of Lewis. It is never easy to loose a dog you love. It is especially difficult to loose one as special as Lewis was to me.

Re: My heart is broken

OMG I am so sorry...

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Lewis. He was a beautiful boy and left a legacy to the Labrador world!

His memory will live for ever in your heart.

Godspeed Lewis!


Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss.
Lewis was such a beautiful boy.
I will give his daughter and extra big hug tonight
God speed Lewis.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

So sorry. Being fairly new to the world of "show Labs"....he was one of the guys I REALLY admired, but I know to you he was much more precious. Godspeed and God comfort to ya'll


Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss. Lewis contributed so much to the breed -- he will be sorely missed and always remembered. Godspeed.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am very sorry for your loss.Another great one has left us.
God speed Lewis

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry that Lewis has passed away. He was a great sweet dog and one that will be missed.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Godspeed Lewis!

Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Lewis. I was just looking at a 4 point major win picture (the Rose City Classic) of him in the Spring 1997 LQ. (I just won two huge boxes full of LQ's in the raffle at SJVLRC) He was only six months old, and stunning already.
Godspeed Lewis.

Re: My heart is broken

What a lovely boy. Judy, I am so very sorry! To be away and not be with him when he passed must have been even tougher for you.

Our thoughts are with you.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Lewis was as special as they come. You have to start with his mom and Dad. Ch. Marshland Bakela was as gentle a soul as you would ever meet. I first saw him at Dennis Emken's house at 5 mo. and he was wonderful...a gorgeous head, tremendous bone and coat and when he moved- wow. Then there was Lewis's mom Ch. Blackthorn Simply Irresistable "Palmer". A beautiful BOB multi specialty winner. Palmer had such presence and the best yellow otter tail I have ever seen. She commanded the ring when she walked in and she walked into my house the same way once when she came down to visit- walked right out the back door and jumped in the koi pond and took a dip, not with appreciation that it was there for her but knowing it should be there for her. She knew the house was hers, the toys were hers, everything was hers- she was the queen.
Then you put those two together and Judy brings Lewis to Golden Gate LRC Specialty when he was six months old and that puppy just knocked your socks off . He was spectacular and stayed that way forever. I also remember the day at Del Mar Kennel club with a big supported Labrador entry that he took BOB and then took a Group 1 in the sporting group - oh my gosh he was fabulous. The only thing that stood in his way for Best in Show that day was the Kerry Blue Terrier who was the number one dog in the nation and we know that because the Best in Show judge said it. Pretty nice for a Labrador!!!
And then there was Lewis at home- he was Scott & Judy's buddy and her house dog. He loved it whenever company was there and always helped with any entertaining. The house will not be the same without that big yellow dog to greet us all. We are really going to miss him. I am just so thankful that we have many, many dogs at our house that go back to Lewis. He did very good for us and for the breed overall.
Hats off to Lewis.

Re: My heart is broken

I am so very very sorry for your loss :{... no it is never easy to loose those special ones :{....

Re: My heart is broken


i am so very sorry for your loss. I've never met him in person, but admired him for years.
doGspeed Lewis.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Lewis. He was a beautiful dog & I hope that your heart heals.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry for your loss Judy. He was a lovely boy and produced many lovely kids.
I have a granddaughter of his who is just the love of my life.
Warm Regards

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Deepest sympathies for your loss.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Todd and I are so sorry for your loss. Lewis was a beautiful boy with the personality to match. He left a legacy for his breed, and a legacy in your heart.
Our deepest condolescences to you and your family.


Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Judy I share your sorrow. I fell in love with Lewis the first time I saw him as a big puppy. I waited many years to have a non chocolat girl to breed to him. I adore the two chocolate kids(Trouble and JJ)I have. They are wonderful to look at, and talented in the field.

Lewis in my opinion contributed a great deal to the breed. I still see kids and grandkids of his that I think are just lovely. They have nice structure and movement. Not easy to get in the same package.

My Thoughts are with you Judy at this very difficult time. God speed Lewis you will be greatly missed!

Re: My heart is broken

My heart sank when I saw "My heart is broken"---I know what that meant before I even opened the thread.
I am so sorry you lost your special boy, Judy, and to not have been there with him. Dog behaviorists say that dogs live in the moment and do not hang on emotionally for us, and I bet Lewis "chose" his time to pass effortlessly when you WEREN'T there. I do believe dogs know when they are going to die and do remove themselves from this world and exist in a different plane before they pass. It is us emotionally-encumbered humans that suffer the loss of our special ones more. It is a curse to be human and suffer that, but worse to have never known him and loved him, right?
Hold your many wonderful memories of Lewis in your heart and mind to comfort you.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for you. Lewis has been the one dog that I looked forward to having a son from. I have waited a couple of years and made sure I had clearences on the girl I wanted him to sire pups from. Your awesome boy has been in my dreams and plans for years. I am crying for you. I will always think he was the best of the best.

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Oh Judy, I am so sorry for your loss. I was a big fan of Lewis for all these years. I feel very fortunate to have a wonderful son of his who has in turn produced a wonderful daughter, a granddaughter of Lewis, for me. I love having a part of Lewis in my lines that will go on. My thoughts are with you in this time of loss.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry for your loss of Lewis, he was a wonderful dog. I'm glad that I have some wonderful kids out of him. My thoughts are with you.

Re: My heart is broken


I am very sorry for your loss of Lewis...that is heartbreaking news to hear of tonight.
Our 'Sailor' is a great grandson of Lewis and I am very proud that we have one of his
great grandsons. I know Lewis will reside in your heart forever...

Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry Judy. Especially to loose him while you were away.

Lewis was a special dog and so many breeders are fortunate to have him in their pedigree. My pedigree included.

Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Lewis was a great dog!

Re: My heart is broken

Lynn and I decided to use Lewis as the first stud dog for our first breeding to our girl River. We had seen puppies out of him that we loved and so we approached Judy, not only was Judy fabulous support to us 'Newbies', but Lewis and River produced a great litter for us. When I met Lewis he really fussed me up and loved me (I smelled my River in standing heat, LOL), but seriously, Lewis had the best nature to go with his good looks.

His legacy does live on in his puppies, but I wish he was still here with Judy and Scott, by the fire trying to keep a few toys from Gloria.

Run free Lewis, we love you big guy, L&C

Re: My heart is broken

Judy- words are very inadequate during times like this. I'm so incredibly sorry for the loss of your wonderful, amazing, sweet, multi-talented boy. The world is so much better for his presence and his effect on labradors everywhere.

I had no idea that you were having to go through all of this while making such a great showing at the SJVLRC specialty shows.

Godspeed, will always be one of the "greats!"

Re: My heart is broken

I am so very sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful boy.

Re: My heart is broken

Ohhh Judy! ((((HUGS)))
I am so sorry

Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful boy. Godspeed Lewis!

Re: My heart is broken

Oh Judy - I am so sorry to hear about Lewis' passing. He lives on in his wonderful kids - Graham is as sweet as they come and I'm thankful that I got to use him and have his temperament come through.

Godspeed Lewis...

Re: My heart is broken

My condolences and salute to a great dog who lived with a great family.

Re: My heart is broken

Such sad news. So sorry for your loss.
God Speed Sweet Louie.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

What a grim day = we are so sad for your loss. Having known a wonderful dog is a treat - having his kids and grandkids carry on his legacy is a blessing.

While he might be gone - his memories will last eons.


Re: Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry Judy and Scott, Lewis was a very special boy indeed! I admired him from the first time I saw him, such great looks, movement, and fabulous temperment! He did you proud!

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Lewis.
Thoughts & prayers go out to you. He did marvalous things for the Lab world & for that, you should be proud.

Re: My heart is broken

So sorry for you Judy. My thoughts are with you.

Re: My heart is broken

Oh Judy, I am so sad and sorry. I have loved Lewis since he was a young dog and my 2 year old Lewis daughter is the sunshine of my life and I am so glad I have this piece of him. The Labrador world has lost another great one.

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for you and to hear of Lewis' passing. What a wonderful dog he was and a producer of so many outstanding pups. Lewis was truly one of those once in a lifetome boys that had it all - beauty, temperment and performance whether in the show ring or the field and the abilty to consistently produce great babies.

I feel blessed to have his beautiful daughter who truly is my heart. She inherited an outstanding temperment and disposition that is unmistakingly from her father. Thank you for giving so many of us lab folk a part of his wonderful legacy.

You and your family are in my prayers during this difficult time and know that Lewis is also in our prayers.

Godspeed this beautiful boy.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss. I too have a Lewis daughter and Grand kids that I cherish. Lewis was a great dog and will be missed by many.

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss!

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry.

I met one of Lewis's babies this past year. Chunky little yellow puppy on the beach, being bold as brass and good as gold. He was adorable and his family clearly cherished him. Pretty good legacy, I think.

My thoughts are with you.

Re: My heart is broken

Oh, Judy, my deepest condolences on the loss of your beautiful, sweet Lewis. He was truly a legend in his own time and he will live on forever in our hearts and through his children. Godspeed, dear boy.

Re: My heart is broken

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry for you.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss.
Godspeed sweetie..

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Lewis.

Re: My heart is broken

Judy - Having recently whelped a Lewis litter I was surprised and saddened to hear of your loss. It was nice reading a little about him in one of the posts and look forward to special times with his ten week old son. My heart goes out to you and to everyone who knew and loved this special boy.
Rest in peace Lewis.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful and special boy. He was truly one in a million.

Re: My heart is broken

So sorry, he was a beautiful boy.
Find peace is knowing his family that has passed on is up there showing him around and taking care of him, running and playing like a leaf in the wind-pain free, carefree! So young again.

Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a wonderful daughter, and 2 wonderful grand kids. They are all wonderful dogs, and have the best temperament an disposition.

Re: My heart is broken

So sorry for your loss, Judy. I remember seeing Lewis at Westminster and he just took my breath away. Another great dog over the bridge - Godspeed, Lewis.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

Judy, dont grief his passing, rejoice and remember the grand times he gave you! He was a grand boy, will always remember him!

Re: My heart is broken

So sorry to hear.



Re: My heart is broken

Judy, my heart goes out to you. I know he was a very special boy to you.


Re: My heart is broken

My hugs and heartfelt condolences to you and all those who have loved and benefitted by Lewis's so very special contribution to the breed, and especially to you as your once in a lifetime boy!

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry about the loss of your very special boy.
God speed.

Re: My heart is broken

I am very sorry for your loss. Lewis will be missed. I have a grand daughter out of Lewis and she is as sweet as they come.

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss.

God speed sweet boy

Prayers for you in your grief.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss.
He was a beautiful dog.

Re: My heart is broken

Hugs, Judy...
may the love and support of friends and family (2 and 4 legged) provide some solace during this time of great sorrow...

what a magnificent boy...and what a contribution he has made to the breed....his legacy lives on

we mourn with you...

godspeed Lewis--you will be so very missed ...


Re: My heart is broken

Dear Judy - I'm very sorry to hear of your loss *big hug*

Re: My heart is broken

Judy and Scott, I am so very sorry to hear that Lewis has passed. He was a stunning boy to look at and will forever remain in your hearts. Rest in peace dear boy.



Re: My heart is broken

Judy and Scott,

I am so sorry! It is so difficult to loose the old ones, but especially difficult to loose the special ones. I will remember Lewis fondly in my mind as the spunky dog that I was a few years back when I came to visit your place with my sister. In the meantime, I find this passage especially comforting:

“There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given.” Suzanne Clothier

Run free Lewis


Re: My heart is broken

Lewis made a very special contribution to the breed and thankfully will live on and be remembered by many with great fondness.
My sincere condolences on your loss of this very special boy.

Re: My heart is broken

I am so sorry for your loss Judy. Godspeed Lewis.

Re: My heart is broken

Judy, I am so very sorry - when I saw the title of this thread I just knew. Having recently lost our old boy, I feel your sense of loss especially keenly. Lewis was a grand old guy who made his mark on our breed - he will be sorely missed. Hugs and more to you and all at Ghoststone.

Re: Re: My heart is broken

I'm so sorry Judy. All of the families that have my pups by Lewis adore them to pieces and can't get over how smart, beautiful, and outgoing they are. Lewis was a blessing to our breed.

Re: My heart is broken

My heart goes out to you Judy for the loss of your very special boy.... 11-12 years ago I remember seeing a photo of Lewis for the first time when he was just a puppy and he wowed me. I thought this is a boy to keep an eye on and he certainly did not disappoint. Lewis was stunning and he has left a wonderful legacy behind to be proud of.


Re: Re: My heart is broken


He was born a dog
Died a gentleman!
It is a hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives.

Thinking of you and your husband. Hope to see you at Potomac!

Re: Re: Re: My heart is broken

My heartfelt condolences to you and all those who have loved and benefitted by Lewis so very special boy and the great contribution to the breed!!
Louis Maurosa
Maucan Labradors

Re: My heart is broken

Oh, Judy, I am SO sorry to hear that Lewis has passed. I know how special he was to you and your family and how badly you are grieving. I feel truly honored to have two of Lewis' wonderful kids, my Clarice and Gizmo; and thru them, 3 promising grandkids, Natalie, Jemima and little Berry. Everyone who got puppies from my Lewis litter absolutely adores them, as I do mine.

We lost one of the great ones the day Lewis passed and it saddens me. Thank you for sharing him with the Labrador community so his contribution to the breed can live on forever.

Sincere condolences to all of you, and God speed, Lewis, sweet boy.


Re: Re: My heart is broken

Memories will replace the pIn in time. Its so hard to lose these Heart dogs. Apiece of you goes with them too. Everytime someone asked about Great Yellow ambassadors of the breed I always said Lewis. You have done great work here Lewis and now you must rest in wait until you see your family again.

My deepest condolences on your loss and RIP our dear pretty boy.