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SJVLRC again

Well after all this drama about who shows to whom, I just want to extend a great big THANKS to the hard working people in the SJVLRC club who behind the scenes get things done. Laura Flecther, getting the breakfast goodies ready in the mornings and doing ring stuff during the day and the dinner stuff on Sat night as well as entertaining us with her vocal
contributions! Nancy Tanner for her yummy scones and all her help ringside and at the dinner, as well as her crooning! Ron Kelly for doing the ring steward honors and not too bad either . Jim Russell, Jason,Vonnie, Lisa and others I don't know names of, you all make it so enjoyable to come down here. The grounds are perfect, I love that we are able to get our vehicles right up close to the rings and after our winter up here in the PNW it was so great to be able to sit in the sun and observe our wonderful breed being shown. It saddens me to see all the negative and hurtful things that are said, I have seen this in Horses, when I was skating and even when I was a 4-H leader, when I wish we could just accept what happens on a particular day, happens, end of story, start over the next day. Be grateful we have
these wonderful people to put on events like this and when we ask people to judge them we are asking for their opinions, accept what they put up,agreeing with them or not. We all won't win every day under every judge. I thought the judges did a decent job from the Sweeps judges, Julie Jussaume and Barbara Ironside to Judy Heim and Michael Silva. Thank you to all of you.
With the current legislation problems and the economy in decline, I just hope we will still be able to enjoy our wonderful breed and have the opportunity to get together like this. This other stuff just doesn't seem to matter much.

Re: SJVLRC again

OOPS! Sorry it should be Fletcher!

Re: SJVLRC again

Thank you for that post Lisa!! Well said and I can't say DITTO enough!!!!! I had a wonderful time and can't wait for next year.