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PRCD/Optigen/Eyes- GOOFY ???

This may be a duh question to some but on the Cerf form they have the section for PRA, for the opth. to check if found. SO does the PRA/PRCD not show up until a certain age on there and is it found in affected dogs only? I have clears and carriers and just curious on that.

Re: PRCD/Optigen/Eyes- GOOFY ???

Have not seen that on the forms. But PRA does not show up at a young age. More like 2 or 3 years. So a Cerf test would not pick it up for a long time. Thats why the Optigen test is so great.

Re: Re: PRCD/Optigen/Eyes- GOOFY ???

There is also truly late onset PRA--Labs who do not show PRA until late middle age, and did not go blind until old age.This is why folks were doing ERGs not so long ago, and why DNA tests were so needed--although the marker problems at first identified at least one A girl as a C. If we had a good DNA test 12 years ago, a lovely dog could have been used with clear females.

Re: PRCD/Optigen/Eyes- GOOFY ???

I'm just curious as to whether "Elle Woods" has yellow Labradors only.