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Not my STATE, I dont care!!

I think some see the postings from Gina and say "oh well, not my state, i dont care". WELL here is what i think we should ALL do, when we see a post on dog laws from ANY state, we should ALL email the state delegates, whoever is on the list that created/supports these bills and make their mailboxes explode from all of the emails they get.
It wouldnt be that hard, just write up a letter that you have friends in THAT state, voice your opinion, and save it on your computer, copy and paste it over and over and use it over and over.
We have to stand up for one another!!! Reputable breeder, good breeder, bad breeder, BYB, whoever you are, we need to do this- band together and help each other!!
I have sent out 30 emails so far this morning, not even my state, ARE YOU WITH ME????
Lets do this thing, if one person feels as they wouldnt be re-elected over a dog law they may go to the other side of the room, as there is SO much more for them to concentrate on than nonsense.
Take for instance, where i live, they are trying to pass two laws that have my attention.
ONE is if you run the flashing bus lights on a school bus, the fine raises from the current 50.00 up to 150.00.
If a breeder has over 15 dogs, they fine you 2500.00!!
Priorites mixed up here? You betcha! When we've had 4 kids killed in the past few years getting off our school buses. FINE THEM THE 2500.00, If i have a dog on my premises that I just got the day before they inspected me, and fine me 150.00.
Our law makers need to get a grip and it all starts with us making them see, we are not putting up with their S()(*T!!
Lets do this?????

ps. YES i agree some laws need to be out there, Puppymills need to be shut down, but its the bills that get us all, 15 or 200 dogs you get slammed in the same category and im by far a puppymill but would be treated as such with the news bills/laws coming into play.

Re: Not my STATE, I dont care!!

I am in full agreement. This is not right and they are moving full steam ahead. They are obviously on this list, one poster wrote that she was exempt because she hadn't had a litter in five years and the next thing you know, these bills are being reworded as if to say, I'll get you too. Are there any lawyers on this list that can shed a little light on our rights? There are, of course, breeders that need to rethink their program and what they are doing especially when it's obvious they are all about breeding dogs, but there are many others who will pay the price that do not deserve it. These bills need to be "put into line" where the appropriate people are going to pay the price, ie. commercial kennels, puppy mills,and any breeder who is breeding excessively.

Re: Not my STATE, I dont care!!

The problem is they already have enough problems enforcing the laws they got! Peta and the humane societies will keep going till you cant breed or own any animal at all. I hate to say it but thats what a liberal society is all about.

Re: Re: Not my STATE, I dont care!!

Right on NY, you said it all.

Re: Re: Re: Not my STATE, I dont care!!

The original poster has a great idea. Let's all get on board!

Re: Not my STATE, I dont care!!

I really hate when Animal Rights gets mixed up with liberalism. Yea it seems that way, but most legislators really don't realize what the true AR agendas are, they just want to help puppies and kitties. True animal rights is Fascism. People that hate themselves so much they do not want to procreate or bother with animals.

Remember Hitler was a vegetarian!

BTW. The OP is right. Everyone needs to get on board.