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pee in carpet

Just wondering if there is any tricks as to getting pee smell out of carpets. One of my puppies had an accident. I cleaned it up right away with carpet cleaner(for steam cleaner) and a product that I got at Petmart for dog urine but I can't seem to get the smell out. Any imput would be greatful. It is fairly new carpet.

Re: pee in carpet

Seriously I would pay mega bucks for this want the BOSS

Takes out even cat pee at kennels I have been to!!!! It is amazing takes out old stains and new stains. It evaporates to water and oxygen.

Re: Re: pee in carpet

Try a can of Woolite Heavy Traffic carpet cleaner. I wouldn't be without it. It has a very pleasant smell. Just spray it on and let it dry.

Re: pee in carpet

Re: Re: pee in carpet

Try baking soda. Leave it on for several hours. Vacuum it up.

Re: pee in carpet

straight up

Re: Re: pee in carpet

I work for a Veterinary practice and we use a product called The Equilizer. It's an odor and stain eliminator. It works well to remove feces, vomit, and urine from dogs, cats and humans. It's made by the EVSCO Pharmaceuticlas company. Their # is 1-800-267-5707.

Re: pee in carpet

a couple of our vet clinic here use UrineOff. I've heard great feedback on it.