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My girl is two years old and i sent her Xrays, cardiac, thryoid info the OFA, her elbows and everything normal. With her hips its borderline. Will OFA post the other three things in the database now or will they wait until i redo her xrays in 6 months on the hips before they post any of it?
I hope they post the other 3 things now. I was told by OFA that most of the time the borderlines get a fair so i am going to redo and not place her just yet.

Re: OFA ?

they will post the clearances and you can re do in 6 months and send in to new panel

Re: Re: OFA ?

Ratings can move up or down. I had a girl go from BD to mild . Good luck there.
All past tests will be posted on the OFA web site.

Re: OFA ?

All passed tests will be posted on the OFA website, unless you signed the waiver to release negative results. If you signed that section of the application all the results will be posted. If you did not, just the passing results will be up.

Re: OFA ?

I'm sorry I am not addressing the question but have to say this: There is no such thing as borderline. What is up with the rise of owners claiming bordeline?


Re: Re: OFA ?

You need to do some reading on the OFA website. Borderline is an "indeterminate" rating that may be given if the status of the hips can not be clearly determined based on the x-ray submitted. The problem may be the positioning, quality or clarity of the film. It may also be due to something that looks suspicious, but may resolve or get worse with time. Any borderline rating goes out with a recommendation to resubmit in about 6 months.

Re: Re: OFA ?

Look at the OFA website again. They can rate a dog who is less than 2 yrs, 6 mos old as borderline and they suggest redoing the xray in 6 months. It's there - I just read it a few days ago.

Re: Re: OFA ?

You are wrong. When OFA gives a borderline judgement all they are saying is they want to wait and see how the hips look in another 6mths before they give a rating. It is NOT a rating but a pass on making a judgment at this time because the hips are on the fringe of either passing or failing.

Re: OFA ?

There is definitely a borderline and as someone else already said it's when they want to wait and have you re submit... It's "borderline" could go either way!! Check you're information again.

I have had that.

Re: Re: OFA ?

I received a borderline on prelims and girl was a good at 2 years.

Re: Re: OFA ?

Im the OP, and YES there is borderine, you dont know your butt from a hole in the ground!!! Go read the website, it happens. I can tell you are one experience breeder

Re: Re: Re: OFA ?

There's no reason to be a jerk to anyone! Maureen and the others are trying to help!