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Help your fellow breeders

Here's an idea... Do you know an older breeder or one who might be sick, or having some hard times financially? It doesn't have to be your mentor. It can be another person in your club or whatever.

Offer to help them out. Maybe help them scoop their yards or clean their dog room. Maybe help them with getting their records up to date or on the computer. If they have a litter come and help them whelp or vax their pups. Take them shopping for dog food and help them carry in those big bags of dog food. Even take them to lunch just to talk dogs and see how they are doing.

If we don't look out for each other no one will look out for us.

Rather than secretly hoping the laws will take out your competition - do the right thing.

Re: Help your fellow breeders

What a brilliant idea Gina! Not only that, this should also extend to your friends and neighbors. We should all help each other! Some day we may need help and can only hope someone will be there for us as well.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Help your fellow breeders

I think a lot of people are already doing this in some fashion with friends, family, etc. but Gina's reminder is wonderful!

Re: Help your fellow breeders

Thanks. I brought it up because on the animal cop shows (which I don't watch anymore - they are propaganda), They often seize the dogs of a breeder and more often than not, the owner is a little old lady who at one time may have raised some really nice dogs, but has let themselves go for whatever reason. It's sad to see them cry as their dogs are taken away from them. If we can privately help an old friend from becoming a bad headline about how evil breeders are, we are helping ourselves in the long run.