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I live in a state that has a breeder bill in the house. Today, my friend from AKC called me and told me of a few changes made to the bill. Out of all the dogs that people may choose to own and breed, the bill EXCLUDES greyhound breeders.
Hmmmmm, i wonder if its due to two of our state senators owning greyhound kennels, one has 200+ dogs and one has over 400, according to the newspaper awhile back.
Do you guy think its possible politics has something to do with this?
Gotta Luv 'Em!! Before voting the next time, get your list of the ones you are thinking of voting for and call them and tell them your views on owning dogs and see what theirs would be. THEN hold their feet to the fire when they are ready to sign crazy bills!


I wonder if the radicals at PETA and the HSUS are zeroing in on greyhound racing or does POLITICS exclude breeders who mass produce for the racetracks.