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Join us, Be Part of the Solution!

Representing the membership, the Board of the NLRC has just passed a motion to send $2,000.00 to SAOVA.
If you are a member, it is YOUR
money that is being spent to lobby FOR the fancy. If
you are not yet a member, go to our website and join us.
We are a service organization, dedicating to preserving the breed.

Sufficient votes are in, it is resolved that Arlene Renninger, Treasurer for the NLRC will send
a donation of $2000.00 to SAOVA .(Attn: Susan Wolf PO Bx 612 Spencer, NC 28159)

THANK YOU to the membership, for your dues and for your dedication to the Labrador Retriever.

error on link!


What is SAOVA? The Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance (SAOVA) is a nationwide, nonpartisan group of volunteers seeking to elect politicians who will oppose the "Animal Rightist" (AR) threat to our rights as Americans. It is the only national group working to protect both sportsmen and animal owners, natural allies, in the legislative and political arenas. SAOVA's members hunt, fish and own livestock, dogs, cats and other pets. We study political candidates in all states to identify those who understand and resist the AR threat, as well as those who are in the pocket of the Animal Rightists.


Re: Join us, Be Part of the Solution!

Tried to join a few years ago, they wanted two reference letters from other members that i do not have as i dont know anyone in the club, it broke my heart.

Re: Re: Join us, Be Part of the Solution!

Hey 'tried that', click on the link for our club and
you will see we are not the LRC, but the NLRC. The
LRC does require two letters. We do not, but we do
ask you consider our Code of Ethics. We are a service
organization, the LRC is the parent club, not a service

Re: Re: Re: Join us, Be Part of the Solution!

Could I email you in private and how can i reach you by email?