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Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Just saw the Bonnie Hunt Show this morning.
Bonnie is a very nice person that loves animals and I do not have a problem with her.
This morning she had on her show a woman that represents a shelter and an animal hospital.
They showed many mixed breed dogs that they are trying to find a home for-fine!
But this woman/guest also gave out some bad info to the public.
In regards to spaying/neutering she said that (I will try to quote her as close as possible) the earlier done the better! That it is never too early to do this! There are no problems doing the fixing at an early age.
I feel that it is wrong to put this type of information out there as "Gosple".
I plan on emailing the Bonnie Hunt Show and tell them that the facts given out by their guest was wrong.
The guest also said that it is OK to play tuggy with your puppy which I also disagree with but that is another topic.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

for the general idiot...the general thumb of spaying and neutering is fine. For the more savy dog owner, waiting is fine. But let's face it, if everyone could handle having intact dogs responsibly, we would need rescues or shelters now, would we.

Not everyone is that is just fine.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Spaying/Neutering too early can cause health problems.
I tell my pet buyers to wait at least until the puppy is 10-12 months old.
Going along with the VERY early fixing practice is just what the AR folks are pushing for.
Just wrong!

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

While I agree with you Seriously, that there will always be people who will not take good care of their dogs, Lablover makes an important point for two reasons. The first being for those who DO care about their dogs, the misinformation given about early S/N not affecting their dogs, could lead them down the wrong path, when these individuals are the type who will take what they think is good advice to heart and follow it.

The second point is even for people who don't even own dogs, listening to that program makes them think early S/N is a non-issue, which is not the case. I would much rather have any public media outlet putting out the message that early S/N can cause dogs serious health issues, including cancer, so that that message goes out and the public hears it. This way when some whiz kid in their town proposes an ordinance for early S/N, the public can respond to this proposed ordinance knowing this amounts to "cruelty to animals".

P.S. what makes you sure that all dogs or even most dogs in shelters are the results of a "whoops" breeding?

Just my two cents.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Perhaps the OP could provide factual info & suggest to the producers of the show that this information be addressed on the show as well???

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

CM, that is a great idea. It probably would also be possible to send the show's producers some web links to studies which proved the adverse effects of early spay/neuter, and see if they could get one of the studies' researchers on the show!

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Replying to:

Perhaps the OP could provide factual info & suggest to the producers of the show that this information be addressed on the show as well???

Re: Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

according to my vet, he has seen more tears in dogs spayed/neutered before maturity.

Re: Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

While I don't think tug of war is bad in general, I know many trainers for field work, who feel tug of of war is the quickest way to ruin your dog from having a "soft mouth". I would like to hear from people on the board who train for field work and what they think of the game "tug of war", or if they would ever allow it with a dog destined for field work.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Should we stop our dogs from eating too to teach them to not eat birds? A ridiculous concept, dogs just need to be taught to control their mouths and tug will have no influence on this at all.

Re: Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Can someone once again post the web links to studies showing the negative effects of early spay/neuter? or direct me to the thread?

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Calgary Animal Services is all about responsible ownership to the point that they have worked out a curriculum in the schools and are constantly educating the public. They are against MSN, breed bans, and limits. They also feel that early spay/neuter is not a good thing. They feel that bitches should not be spayed until after their first season and the boys should wait until 18-24 months as this makes healthier and better adjusted dogs. I am very impressed with thier program maybe I will have to figure out a way to get through those -40 winters!

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Beg to differ...many dogs in shelters are there because they were bred for the sake of breeding, sold in a parking lot to someone who shouldn't have bought it in the first place, and then discovered what work a dog was in the first place. Where they the result of whoops? Who knows...but I get plenty of calls about people who can't afford to spay and neuter and then end up with puppies they didn't anticipate for...that's how they get to shelters.

IMO most people just can't deal with the why should the animals suffer because it *may* be better to spay them after they reach maturity....

oh and please, don't pull out that lame link to canine sports...we're not talking peformance dogs here people...we're talking skinny, whippet looking house dogs that are usually out back in kennels.

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

So spay the girls by 8 months before they come into heat, and do your boys at a year.

If they can't afford to spay and neuter, should they have pets anyway?

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Replying to:

Beg to differ...many dogs in shelters are there because they were bred for the sake of breeding, sold in a parking lot to someone who shouldn't have bought it in the first place, and then discovered what work a dog was in the first place. Where they the result of whoops? Who knows...but I get plenty of calls about people who can't afford to spay and neuter and then end up with puppies they didn't anticipate for...that's how they get to shelters.

IMO most people just can't deal with the why should the animals suffer because it *may* be better to spay them after they reach maturity....

oh and please, don't pull out that lame link to canine sports...we're not talking peformance dogs here people...we're talking skinny, whippet looking house dogs that are usually out back in kennels.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

I agree with Seriously. My husband is a vet & while we know that early spaying & neutering may be detrimental, most "pet" people can't deal with intact dogs/cats & many become pregnant & have unwanted litters because they weren't even aware their girl was in heat. The shelters promote & do early spays & neuters because the general public can't seem to get it together to bring them back at the appropriate age to have the surgery done. Years ago shelters would just say, "Bring her/him back @ 6 mos & we'll do the surgery for free". People would still not bring them in & then those dogs/cats would just contribute to the over population problem & the shelters would have to deal with their offspring as well. Hence, the early spay/neuters in most (if not all) shelters today. It's easy for educated "dog" people to deal with heat cycles, etc. but not so easy for the general public. Just my observation after 20 years in the vet business.

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Seriously, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree. No power on earth could ever get me to do a medical procedure on a dog, where I KNOW it might lead to the decline of the dog's health in the future. Also no one is going to convince me that a prospective dog owner should have this information hidden from them when it concerns the dog's future health. Not going to happen where I am concerned!!!

I do agree with you that some dogs wind up in a shelter because people purchase them without realizing how much work they can be, and then want to give them up once they find out. The only difference between our views is, under your choice the early spayed/neutered dog winds up in the shelter as a time bomb whose poor health will expode upon his new owners some years down the road after they have adopted it. Under my view the dog can be spayed/neutered later, and the adoptive owners will have a healthier dog in the long run.

I guess people will have to follow and live with their conscience when it comes to early spay/neuter.

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Replying to:

Beg to differ...many dogs in shelters are there because they were bred for the sake of breeding, sold in a parking lot to someone who shouldn't have bought it in the first place, and then discovered what work a dog was in the first place. Where they the result of whoops? Who knows...but I get plenty of calls about people who can't afford to spay and neuter and then end up with puppies they didn't anticipate for...that's how they get to shelters.

IMO most people just can't deal with the why should the animals suffer because it *may* be better to spay them after they reach maturity....

oh and please, don't pull out that lame link to canine sports...we're not talking peformance dogs here people...we're talking skinny, whippet looking house dogs that are usually out back in kennels.

Re: Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Once again, we do not have a problem with pet over-population. We have a problem with pet retention. Hacking out reproductive organs will change nothing except the well being of the poor victim. Puppies fly off the shelves in shelters, there are very few puppies in this world who are unwanted. The dogs who fill the shelters are adolescent and older dogs who lack training and love and so have fallen out of favour with their irresponsible owners. If we had a population problem, the shelters would be full of puppies and this is not the case.
My dogs are well looked after and I will never ask them to pay the price for others' irresponsibility and lack of understanding of the real issues.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

As I originnaly stated, please consider sending a message to the folks at the Bonnie Hunt Show.
Do not let this chance to educate the public pass by.

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

good day i am contacting you to see if you would like to sponsor a winged sprint car with a picture of bonnie on the front wing and plus the bonnie hunt show on the sides of the wing its on tv 3 days a week plus when the nationals start it on nation wide tv all over the united states plus some forien countrys and its tax deductable so if you would please e-mail me back if you are interested or not but would like to know either way ronald sharpnack thank you

Re: Wrong Dog Info on the Bonnie Hunt Show

Regarding the issue of tug-of-war and field work - IMO this is really a non issue. My husband loves to play tug with my dogs and so far I've had no mouth issues with my working retrievers. I do think it is important to teach the dogs to "give" when the game is over. I know lots of people disagree on this, but this is just my experience.