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Non-Toxic Snail Bait

It appears I have become a snail-mill...

Does anyone know of an effective non-toxic snail bait that will not harm dogs or cats?

Thanks in advance for your responses!


Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

Sluggo, Es-car-go, and Safer's Slug & Snail Bait seem to all work well, per our staff entomologist. All are made from iron phosphate have been found to decrease slug populations without harming birds, small pets or humans. I think if you type in a search for any of these products you'll be able to buy them online. Good luck!!

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

I have heard the putting shallow dishes of beer around also works well.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

I've heard a shallow pan of beer works.... but the dogs would get it before the slugs got there.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

I would wonder if Michael might get there before the slugs did.

Actually, I think they are more active at night, and during damp weather.

Beer really does work - Master Gardener says so

I've used it successfully. It works best if you dig a little place and put the container so that the slugs can go in at ground level rather than climbing up. A deep jar top even will work. Put it out in the evening and be prepared to discard the slimy little bodies in the morning. You can drink half a bottle of beer and let the slugs drink and drown in the other half - sounds like a good deal, now doesn't it?

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

Look on the gardens alive site- most of their products are made from corn.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

Beer does work really well. You can even use the cheap brands, they aren't picky!!! Do discard it in the morning,once the snails fall in they drown. I use disposable cups clean-up isn't that bad.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

Wood ashes also work.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait

We've had excellent results after adding predatory snails to our yard several years ago. 'Rumina Decollata' snails are tiny, cone shaped snails that eat common yard snails. The 'Rumina Decollata' snails burrow into the soil. We see them only after a good rain.

Re: Non-Toxic Snail Bait
