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I received an email forwarded to me from a dog club about these shows coming to my area. Can anyone tell me what type of shows these are and what titles can be earned? Pros and cons? Thank you.

Re: IABCA Shows

Here is what the website says:

"Our shows run Saturday and Sunday, with two shows each day, four shows in a weekend. Each show will be under a different judge. Each judge will give each dog a written critique encompassing 12 different parts of a dog's body and movement. If a dog does well (gets the top score each show), an adult dog can earn an International Title in three shows. Puppies have the opportunity to earn a National Puppy Title in three shows; a fourth show would give that puppy an International Puppy Title (four puppy shows = both Nat and Int puppy titles). At the end of each day, after we have completed all the breed judging and all the group judging for both shows, we will present Best in Show for each show, back to back. Group and BIS competitions do no affect title points and missing a group or a BIS will have no effect on title standings and points. Our shows are not competition based. Each dog is judged against the breed standard. More than one dog can receive the top score in each class."

I entered these shows with my youngsters when the shows were here in Utah. A lot of times the judges are actual ACK judges and it is interesting to get a written critique on your dog as well as be able to ask the judge specific questions. I wasn't really doing it for the titles, more just to get the kids in the ring! Fun matches around here ususlly only have one Lab (mine) and involve a lot of sitting around and not much ring time. Not so with these shows!

If you want to do something with your dogs this is a fun opportunity!


Re: IABCA Shows

I went to some of these shows once with multiple dogs and after I went back and read the judge's critiques of my dogs they all said about the same thing. As if the judges were just filling in the information in a hurry to get finished and onto the next dog. All of my dogs earned their titles and I did not even bother to send in the orange cards. They even charge you extra money to receive the title that your dog already earned. What a jip!

Re: IABCA Shows

They do this in Orlando twice a year.

Expensive, but fun. The best parts are that it is more casual, the judge gives you a written critique of your dog. In Florida, mostly pups are shown.

Yes, you can get the "Titles" completed in the four shows during 2 very, very long days if you have a decent dog.

You can also just show up w/o early registration. Just don't show up too late. The folks who do this are nice, but very, very disorganized.

If you achieve your titles (all in German, so I am not attempting to spell out), you then send in more money for the formal certificate. Then you wait about 6 mos to get it.

As I said, fun. Expensive.

Re: IABCA Shows

Hmmph. Sounds about as good for nothing as ukc titles other than a weekend outing for pet owners who want to have a useless piece of paper saying their dog is a generic champion of some sort

Re: IABCA Shows

Why would you say that UKC titles are worthless? I'd like to what know you've achieved with your dogs, if anything, as I see you don't put a name or a website, but bash the UKC. It does take time and a nice dog to put a GRCH UKC title on one. CH titles in the UKC do not have the merit and prestiage as a CH title in the AKC, and for good reason, however, it is still an accomplishment, and a UKC GRCH is a very large accomplishment! You need to adjust your attitude, it's people like you that ruin dog showing for others, and especially for newcomers. How do you expect this sport to thrive and survive, especially in hard economic times, if you're going to belittle the people that show their dogs at UKC venues?

Re: IABCA Shows

Hey we can all "choose our poison" so to speak but just keep in mind that the "gold standard" is and always will be AKC
The other ones just don't hold a candle!!

Hey look at that, I'm just full of puns tonight!!

Look at it this way. If times are so tough and economics are down, why not spend your money wisely and compete with the cream of the crop (HA! Another one!!)??
If this sport is in danger as you stated, then why would you spend that precious money all over the board instead of supporting the #1 registry (the one you register all your puppies with) and build up those points at AKC shows??????
You all complain so much about the lack of majors and boo hoo how it's so hard to find one. Well???
Enter the shows instead of wasting money elsewhere for titles that essentially don't count for nothing!

Re: IABCA Shows

You people are too much. You have no right to tell anyone where to spend their money. If you have a job/retirement fund/wealth and have extra money to spend, why not spend it on something you enjoy: showing your dogs! Does it really matter if its AKC, UKC, IABCA, CKC if you enjoy the sport of showing your own dogs?

I'd love for once for people to use their real names when they bash the UKC, so we can learn who these breeders are that have "cream of the crop" labradors. You are so high and mighty to judge as if your 'akc' dogs are so much better, but never have the guts to post your real name

Re: IABCA Shows

IMHO the international shows hold a little more credibility than the UKC shows because the international shows use AKC judges and CKC judges.

Re: IABCA Shows

anon since everyone else is,

Think what you like.
I've been doing this too long for that bother me

I never said I "had" the cream of the crop. I said AKC shows are where you'll COMPETE with those dogs. There are plenty of inferior dogs in AKC as well but they never go far. AKC is where you can REALLY evaluate your breeding program.
I am happy with what I do have and they are shown AKC because I consider the competition and judging worthy of spending my time and money.
My Labs do well. But I won't use this list to brag about that.
I have seen the dogs that carry only UKC titles on websites and there is a vast difference.
Same with the IKC.
But that's JMO, spend your money where you like!

Re: IABCA Shows

IMHO the international shows hold a little more credibility than the UKC shows because the international shows use AKC judges and CKC judges.

Many of the UKC judges are also AKC and CKC judges just so you know. ALSO many exhibitors in the UKC show also in the AKC, CKC and IABCA

Re: IABCA Shows

anon since everyone else is,

Think what you like.
I've been doing this too long for that bother me

I never said I "had" the cream of the crop. I said AKC shows are where you'll COMPETE with those dogs. There are plenty of inferior dogs in AKC as well but they never go far. AKC is where you can REALLY evaluate your breeding program.
I am happy with what I do have and they are shown AKC because I consider the competition and judging worthy of spending my time and money.
My Labs do well. But I won't use this list to brag about that.
I have seen the dogs that carry only UKC titles on websites and there is a vast difference.
Same with the IKC.
But that's JMO, spend your money where you like!

I have to agree with breeder because in the UKC and the IKC almost every dog entered can earn their championship titles. Not so in the AKC there are the ones that are successful and others that are just not good enough.