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Friends Handling Your Dog

Just wanted to see what others have done in this situation.... Trying to build a major at a show in our area. Unfortunately because of a family problem, I now can not go but said I would be more than happy to send my dog along if my good friend could take him and show him as she doesn't have any males entered....I also don't want to break the major. No problem on her end but said that she would charge me for handling him and taking him along. I don't mind paying something but what have others done in this type of situation? Do you charge your good friends a handling fee? Do you ask them to pay partially for your gas or hotel room since your already going anyway?

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

Well, actually I have lots of questions before I answer.

How good of a friend is this? Best or just an accquaintance?

How long will he/she have your dog?

Have you taken his/her dogs before for them?
Did you charge?

Do you trust them to do a good job and take GOOD care of your dog?

Do they need the money just to make the trip?

For my really good friends/partners - I would just take the dog - but others I would charge a slight fee as I am not a professional handler. But remember, it's alot of work and responsibility to take care of another person's dog properly.

just some off the cuff thoughts.....I'll think and read more replies.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I may ask a friend to show my dog at a show if I have a conflict, but I don't have my friends take my dogs to a show. Just to look at the other side of this - I get pretty tired going to a show, with all the driving and ex-ing and some grooming, feeding, etc. I don't know that I would volunteer to be responsible for someone else's dog. That said, I guess if you think your dog should go, why not offer to pay her for her trouble?

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I sent a young dog with a friend for a weekend of shows, he was not entered he went to get aquainted with his future job. I paid her $40 . He went in and out of the building , played in the expen with other dogs , and traveled, it was worth it to me. She was happy for the gas money , I was happy for the social interaction my dog received. Likely not nearly enough.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I do not mind paying something at all. I guess I just wondered what others do in this situation. This is a good friend and, believe me, I know what a big responsibility it is to take care of someone else's dog. I don't take it lightly myself. I would do it for one of my friends in a bind and hope they would do it for me, if necessary. I just didn't know what to think when she mentioned something about a handling fee for both days (~$30/day) plus a charge for taking the dog along. It didn't even enter my mind to charge one of my friends when I took her dog to a show...I figured they would return the favor some day. I know my dog will be well taken care of and shown to his best potential. Maybe she doesn't really want to take my dog along, which I can understand. I am just trying to avoid breaking the major if at all possible.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I would not expect her to do if for free, it is a lot of work.
When I sent a boy out with a friend, She said to pay her what I thought was good.
Of course I paid entry fees, and gave her $100 towards gas and her time for one week end....great deal for me and gave her extra spending money for gas and such. She ended up buying my boy new toys at the show that she let him pick out.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I'd pay if they took them on the road, but not that much. Just enough to cover gas and make them feel good.

I used to have a friend that would charge me 50 bucks RING side even if they had no dogs! LOL

She was not a pro handler and not well received by most people who knew her.

Live and learn!

Like a fool I paid it

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

Not much of a friend -- it would be nice to offer something for gas. Hope your friend never needs a favor. Remember, "a friend is a gift you give yourself".

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

So what happens if your dog and her bitch take winners dog and winners bitch and end up called into the ring together for best of winners?

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I would definitely pay her, make her feel good, who doesn't love getting some extra money? If you ever need her help again, maybe she will remember that you will make it worth her time and effort, after all,
she is doing you a favor. Sometimes people are motivated by money. She has already told you that she will charge you, so sounds like she is trying to set the boundary now that if you want her handling help, be prepared to pay. How you feel about that is between you and your friend.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

Just my opinion so no flames please, not in the mood.

No, I NEVER "charge" or accept money from friends, or even acquaintences, to take their dogs in the ring. My only condition is that I have to like what I see and that it won't conflict with my own dog's classes.
If I am going to a show and have the space, I would not charge a friend to take their dog. Yeah, it's a little extra work but the difference between 3 or 4 dogs is not that much more. I would be excited to show a new dog, as every dog increases my skill in the ring.

On the flip side, if I were to ask a friend to show one of my dogs I wouldn't dream of offering them money. I would offer to return the favor and as I
can show dogs fairly well I am sure that would be worth a lot more than a few bucks. If someone is not as skilled in the ring I am sure there are countless ways to offer to help someone in other areas.

I don't think this is a hobby that can be done well and be enjoyable without the help of friends and without offering help as well. No money involved for me.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I've been on the other end of this. I begrudgingly took another friend's dog on the road with me. We did well and it was fun being in the ring with the dog. However, this was just the beginning. Over time, this friend wanted help again and again. After a while it was clear she was taking advantage of me.

If I was going to ask a friend to take a dog on the road for me, I would INSIST, my friend take money for gas and a dinner etc.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I agree with friend. If you are sending your dog with a friend and you are working together to keep a major then why are they charging you to take the dog into the ring? I could understand giving them some gas money to take your dog to the show to help cover some expenses, but that is it. Since they are not professional handlers it sounds to me like they are trying to make some coin off of you or they really don't want to be bothered with taking your dog. For them to expect you to pay for handling is outrageous and they are NOT a friend.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

agree, the quickest way to loose a good friend is to take advantage of them.
If you ask them to take your dog then you should give them spending money.
If you are talking to your friend about how you can not make the show and they offer to do it and don't want to take money that is different.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

Helping each other out is what friends are for. I would not charge a handling fee. If the show involves a long trip and hotel accommodations, it is customary for the dog's owner to send a contribution along for the ride; usually a tank of gas or a couple of good dinners.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

If this is not her dog and if you want the dog to go, and she has no male dogs, I guess my question would be: where else are you going to get a handler for 30 bucks plus the equivalent of a small gas/toll fee a show? Even at that price it is still a favor, with some boundaries drawn. If she has to buy gas and tolls, a tank of gas in most vans and SUVS is expensive, even now.

Which would you rather do, call a handler and pay big bucks, or help a friend who is helping you?

Yes, I have paid friends full handling fees, and I have charge nothing, and been charged nothing. It all depends on what is MUTUALLY agreeable. If it bothers you that much, it is not mutually agreeable. You could ask if she would rather you pay a pro, then you should do it! Me, I'd rather give my friend the money. Or half or a third of a handling fee in this case.

Friends Handling Your Dog

you sound uncomfortable (a little bit, as you would not have asked) JMHO If you are uncomfortable, don't do it .....your gut may be telling you something!

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I would say don't loose a friend over money or dogs. It takes a long, long time to repair the damage. Either just don't send the dog or ask how much to handle him. She has mentioned it, so expecting it. I would never ask someone to take my dogs without offering gas money and a little extra. Know we all think different.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

How much have you spent for entry fees. In addition to gasoline, all traveling expenses, dog food etc.? To me, sounds like you have a good deal your friend is offering. Its very hard dealing with family and friends in certain situations. This person is not asking for anything that costs more than the National Debt. And, its kinda nice to feel your service is worth something monetary. That's just me.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I give your friend credit for setting the boundaries that she is comfortable with. The price she is asking for a handling fee is pretty cheap, also, IMO.

People are allowed to ask for what they want, and many would do this in different ways - obvious by the results you have gotten in this thread. None right, none wrong, just different.

You have to decide if you are comfortable with what she is asking. Either you are, or you are not. It is manipulative to try to get her to do something other than what she is willing to do.

JMO. Good luck!

Just wanted to see what others have done in this situation.... Trying to build a major at a show in our area. Unfortunately because of a family problem, I now can not go but said I would be more than happy to send my dog along if my good friend could take him and show him as she doesn't have any males entered....I also don't want to break the major. No problem on her end but said that she would charge me for handling him and taking him along. I don't mind paying something but what have others done in this type of situation? Do you charge your good friends a handling fee? Do you ask them to pay partially for your gas or hotel room since your already going anyway?

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I'm sorry but this person is not a real friend, real friends do things for each other not expecting anything in return. I don't know what happened to true friendships, they are so far and few between seems everyone is out for something nowdays :{. JMHO

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

If this had been me, and I asked my friend to help, I would have told her I'd give her some cash to cover gas and meals to make it worth it. $20 a day maybe. $30 sounds too much.

If the friend told me she would charge before I offered money, I'd let the major go and keep my dogs home. That's no friend.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

"I used to have a friend that would charge me 50 bucks RING side even if they had no dogs! LOL
She was not a pro handler and not well received by most people who knew her.
Live and learn!
Like a fool I paid"

I would say if this person handles dogs for others and gets paid for doing so, she is consider a prohandler, even if she is not a "big name". She is being paid for her handling skills.

Just because she is/was your friend, why would you take advantage of her by not paying her like the rest of her clients? You'd pay a big name handler ringside for their ability, if your friend is a good handler, you are paying for their skills. Besides most breeder/handlers have a lot of friends so if they are trying to make a little money to help with their expenses, they would not get very far if they didn't charge. Also, many do not show their own dogs or will put a paying client dog above their own dogs since the paying dogs get priority.

If you are too cheap to pay (even $50), by all means do not send your dog. Think about how much money you would be saving by not going.

PS, I don't mind helping friends out in a pinch (like 2 class winners, or winner's dog and winner's bitch), but if I charge to handle dogs and one of my friend's said hey can you haul a dog for me and show it, then yes, I would expect them to pay me like any other client dog I may be hauling or picking up ringside. Like I said, the paying dogs take preference over my own.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

If this had been me, and I asked my friend to help, I would have told her I'd give her some cash to cover gas and meals to make it worth it. $20 a day maybe. $30 sounds too much.

If the friend told me she would charge before I offered money, I'd let the major go and keep my dogs home. That's no friend.
The person in question has probably already read this thread (perhaps that was the poster's intent?), so the term "friend" may no longer apply to their relationship.

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

We had a friend who called us as she was trying to build a major. She even specifically requested which dogs we should NOT bring as they could win. We were happy to oblige except that we had a scheduling conflict. We explained that if she wanted to bring a couple of our dogs and handle them herself, we would be glad to enter to help her out. Sure enough, a major was built. Of course, a couple of weeks later, she sends us a bill for her handling services (clearly not previously discussed).

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

I would have turned around and sent her a bill for renting the dogs for her personal needs, same amount to balance out her bill to zero

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

My 0.03....haha

If it were my "friend" I would be comfortable paying gas, part of lodging, meal etc. Handling would be gratis. If my "friend" still wanted a handling fee, I would rather pay a professional handler minus the hotel, meals etc (ie gas and upkeep only) to handle the dog professionally with a ringside or pre show drop off (depending on what was pre-arranged with the handler). Either way, you cannot win - the major will either break or your "friendship" will be strained. Keep friends as friends and never mix professional services such as real estate, veterinary services, accounting services etc...........

Re: Friends Handling Your Dog

my op ic
Keep friends as friends and never mix professional services such as real estate, veterinary services, accounting services etc...........

Co ownerships...the list goes on....