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Potomac Flu

Ok so who else came up sick (human not canine) after the Potomac?
I know quite a few people who did but wondered how many there really were out there??

Re: Potomac Flu

I did:( Bad upper respiratory infection with a horrible cough that won't let go.
Gotta was worth it!!!

Re: Potomac Flu

Swine Flu???

Re: Potomac Flu

No, Canine Flu.

Re: Potomac Flu

That's one of the reasons I never stay at the host hotel.

Re: Potomac Flu

yes, me too. Sick for 10 days.

Re: Potomac Flu

It started after I got home, with a very dry throat, then it hit the vocal cords and then a head cold. Just getting rid of the last of it now.

Re: Potomac Flu

Couldn't it just be allergies??

Re: Potomac Flu

Nope, no allergies... Its going around... But i didnt get it until i came home from Canada last weekend.... Starts with a very sore throat, and ends up with a nasty head cold...

Antibiotics like biaxon or cipro, and Mucinex will wipe it right out.. but expect a cough for a couple of weeks....

Im a pro at these, i used to get 4 or 5 of these suckers a year, then i had deviated septum surgery a year ago, and this is my first one since then... But trust me on the Mucinex, it is great stuff!!


Re: Potomac Flu

Typhoid Mary...

I arrived at Potomac sick and left sick

My most sincere apologies to anyone I might have infected.

Re: Potomac Flu

Nope, my allergies don't usually cause me to cough with chest congestion and have fevers

Still coughing today and yes, I was at the host

Great parties but paying the price for sure

Re: Potomac Flu

same symptoms and congested head too. Host hotel too.

Re: Potomac Flu

I stayed at the host hotel, no issues healthwise with me or the dogs.

Re: Potomac Flu

Maybe you didn't drink enough to kill the germs

Re: Potomac Flu

That could be, LOL!!
I was at the party but SOMEONE needed to stay sober!!

Re: Potomac Flu

That's where everybody got sick, at the party, specially if you were kissing around, lucky them, unfortunately I didn't get a kiss.

Re: Potomac Flu

Darn it! I missed the party. My phone was off and I couldn't be found.

Re: Potomac Flu

What is the difference between the Swine Flu and the Potomac Flu???? I got sore throat, chills, slight fever for a day or two, very productive head cold and cough; still getting rid of yucky stuff. I think WE ALL got an adult version of the Swine Flu according to TV news descriptions We all keep on going no matter what. PS I traveled from home!

Re: Potomac Flu

I don't know but it makes sense kind of.
I had all the same symptoms, still have the cough now.
There were a lot of people from a lot of countries including Mexico there so who knows!!??