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Worried about the Swine Flu

With all this news about the swine flu, I am very concerned about my family and friends. I am also wondering is there any risk for our Labs with this virus - can it cross over to canines? I have a litter of 2 week old pups who are thriving well but I have concerns. Just wondering where we will be in 6 weeks when these pups leave here.

I guess this whole thing has been scared - a 9 yr old boy in northern Ohio has come down with it after a trip to Mexico. That hits home with me since I live about 30 minutes away from this boy's home town here in Ohio. I am just glad that my 2 nieces no longer attend the same elementary as this boy.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

My husband and I at suppose to leave for Playa Del Carmen Mexico tomorrow. About 40 people from the company I work for are going. A few of my clients are already backing out. My husband is now telling me he is not going. I am stuck. Hopefully the CEO decides to postpone this.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

I wasn't afraid of it during the Ford administration, and I am not afraid of it now. Maybe a little more afraid of it now, since the current administration will probably find a way to blame this on the Americans, and then apologize to the world for it, and offer to pay for all the treatment and vaccine for the entire world. George Bush did it.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

I wasn't afraid of it during the Ford administration, and I am not afraid of it now. Maybe a little more afraid of it now, since the current administration will probably find a way to blame this on the Americans, and then apologize to the world for it, and offer to pay for all the treatment and vaccine for the entire world. George Bush did it.

Not to get political but what does George Bush have to do with this? He gets blamed for everything even when not in office. We have a new uhh, President traveling the world already.

There is no vaccine for the swine flu yet. It didn't exist until a few weeks ago and did not begin in the States. Put pressure on the CDC and blame them.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

I wasn't afraid of it during the Ford administration, and I am not afraid of it now. Maybe a little more afraid of it now, since the current administration will probably find a way to blame this on the Americans, and then apologize to the world for it, and offer to pay for all the treatment and vaccine for the entire world. George Bush did it.

Not to get political but what does George Bush have to do with this? He gets blamed for everything even when not in office. We have a new uhh, President traveling the world already.

There is no vaccine for the swine flu yet. It didn't exist until a few weeks ago and did not begin in the States. Put pressure on the CDC and blame them.

Just being facetious! I am waiting to her Obama blame this on Bush, like he does everything else.

Worried about the Swine Flu

The problem is that they CDC, WHO or whomever did not/have not closed the borders! Yes, they're checking but what good does that do if someone comes down with it 24 hours later. If you don't have to go to Mexico I would not! Why take the risk! That's insane! You'll be putting your whole family at risk....
There is no vaccine for it now....
BTW make sure to use your hand santizer ....

Swine Flu ~ Worried Yes, Panicked No, Definitely Realistic

The rapid spread of the virus, the short incubation period, the affected "healthy young" population vs the "very young & older adult" make me concerned. We are such a mobile society...airplanes, buses, trains...which are all enclosed capsules of opportunity for germs.
That all being said, the best that I can do is to not shake hands, wash my hands frequently, and as my daughters "air hugs"!
Unless things change dramatically in the next 7 days this will not stop me from enjoying the upcoming outdoor shows. But I have stocked up on hand wipes and lysol!!

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

They already are. Didn't you see they are sending antibiotics and money to mexico???

replying to: I wasn't afraid of it during the Ford administration, and I am not afraid of it now. Maybe a little more afraid of it now, since the current administration will probably find a way to blame this on the Americans, and then apologize to the world for it, and offer to pay for all the treatment and vaccine for the entire world. George Bush did it.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

A suggestion for traveling to Mexico If you can't back your family Dr. and ask about a script for Tamiflu to fill and take with you if you start to show symphtoms. It may be overkill, but he/she just may. It's airborne so crowded indoor places like busses/trains/school rooms/theaters place you at higher risk from what I was told. Maybe get some masks to take with you.
Good Luck..I'm praying for this nasty bug to quickly go away!!!

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

I wasn't afraid of it during the Ford administration, and I am not afraid of it now. Maybe a little more afraid of it now, since the current administration will probably find a way to blame this on the Americans, and then apologize to the world for it, and offer to pay for all the treatment and vaccine for the entire world. George Bush did it.

Uh, did your god...I mean Sean Hannity..ooops, I mean Glenn, no, I mean Rush tell you this. Lets just all be utterly irrational and bash OUR president at every chance possible. Give him credit for everything bad, and soon everyone will believe it. Yippee, lets have a revolution, it will be just like the seventies, 1770's that is.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

doesn't hurt to listen to both sides,
one is over the edge conspiracy the other is lying 99% of the time.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Your post ended up being just as offensive as the one you were responding to.

Uh, did your god...I mean Sean Hannity..ooops, I mean Glenn, no, I mean Rush tell you this. Lets just all be utterly irrational and bash OUR president at every chance possible. Give him credit for everything bad, and soon everyone will believe it. Yippee, lets have a revolution, it will be just like the seventies, 1770's that is.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Your post ended up being just as offensive as the one you were responding to.

Uh, did your god...I mean Sean Hannity..ooops, I mean Glenn, no, I mean Rush tell you this. Lets just all be utterly irrational and bash OUR president at every chance possible. Give him credit for everything bad, and soon everyone will believe it. Yippee, lets have a revolution, it will be just like the seventies, 1770's that is.

I hope so.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

perhaps the focus of the topic should be medical in nature and not political?

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Kinda like the Bush administration blamed Clinton for everything, etc. None of this has anything to do with the swine flu!

Worried about the Swine Flu

We are at Phase 4 now... Yes, we should be concerned...

Explaining pandemic alerts
The World Health Organization revised on Monday its 6-point scale for pandemic alerts, saying that phase 5 would correspond to a strong signal that a pandemic is "imminent."

The revised scale was published ahead of a decision by an advisory body of experts on whether to raise the alert level from the current level of 3.

In a report posted on its Web site, the WHO said that under the new criteria:

Phase 4: is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus able to cause "community-level outbreaks." The ability to cause sustained disease outbreaks in a community marks a significant upwards shift in the risk for a pandemic. Any country that suspects or has verified such an event should urgently consult with WHO so that the situation can be jointly assessed and a decision made by the affected country if implementation of a rapid pandemic containment operation is warranted. Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion

Phase 5: Human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one region.

Phase 6: is a global pandemic characterised by widespread outbreaks in more than one region.

"While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short," it said.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

In my work life, I am the Director of Laboratory in a 428 bed hospital in Plano, Texas.
I have fielded calls all day from doctors' offices about the swine flu. Its very concerning in that there is not a vaccine and with our global society.
Tamiflu remains a drug of choice right now.
Alcohol based hand sanitizers are being recommended along with soap and water.......wash your hands!
Texas has already reported cases.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

How bad is the swine flu? Does it require hospitalization in all cases?

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

The Swine Flu started in Texas.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Good grief. I have more things to be worried about.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Hello everybody,

I am not an American, Spain, and there has been only one case here.

Aren't you worried about our Mexican fellow breeders and friends?, In my case I am, there's been 5 days and my friend has not replied me an email and unfortunately I don't have his phones. Things are worse than what they are saying in the news.

Anybody has news from your friends in Mexico?

Borja Gonzalo

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Bring Tamiflu

this is not that bad of a virus - if it was - it would not be so virulant. Also middle aged people seem to be less at risk than younger people.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Well, I am an older person and I certainly
don't want to be exposed to something that we
had NO Vaccines for!

I would not go to Mexico for ANY reason right
now. They also should not be able to cross
our Boarders and spread it around. Just as
when your kid has something Contagious(sp)
you don't send them to School right?


Where this Swine Flu outbreak originated

If you have another article to share that would be helpful

Re: Where this Swine Flu outbreak originated

check out the map then zoom out to see the world wide.

Re: Where this Swine Flu outbreak originated

Six months or more to develop a vaccine. And by then it might not even work that well. This is NOT a horrible virus. The most deadly viruses tend to spread slower since they kill their hosts so fast. Think about it, the virus is RNA and for the protein to develop a colony big enough to kill - it must be very fast replicating, hence it kills its host too quickly to spread that fast.

This Swine Flu is not going to kill as many people since it is easily treated.

Now - why the hysteria - the media. They are whipping this into a frenzy. They live to spread crises all over the world.

BLAME it on so and so is their mantra. It makes their business thrive.

be smart - be careful - but do not act like the media jerks want you to

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

For your information, the Swine Flu started here in the US, California or texas.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Anon 2
For your information, the Swine Flu started here in the US, California or texas.

I'm not sure where you got your "information" but the information I've been getting states it originated in Mexico. For some reason it is more serious down there, and people have been dying from it.

However, here in the US, it has not been nearly as serious. At last report I read, 50 cases have been reported and only 2 people were hospitalized but they also had other chronic conditions.

The media is creating so much hype over this situation that some people are beginning to freak out about it. I was in a drug store yesterday and 2 people in line were buying boxes of surgical masks (one person already wearing one). So far it is no worse than any other flu that's been going around this year. As a first responder, I am sure I'll come in contact with those affected. However, at this point I am not worried if by chance I get. I do take all the necessary precautions to avoid it though!

So just relax, if you feel sick. Take it easy, get lots of rest and drink lots of water!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles,CA

Worried about the Swine Flu

I was just in the Who Health Organization site...
It was very informative...
If you use your find key and input origin or originate (this is from yesterday)
show’s #’s of cases in the US

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

What was so horrible about the 1770's? There were some great men that founded this nation. Or are you set on insulting our forefathers as well? We could do worse than to get back to our roots. That speaks to BOTH sides.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Dianne-EMT-B, You are not a EMT-P, a R.N. or a M.D. You are a ambulance attendant. You don't know more about this than any of us. Get over yourself.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

It is good for all of us to be reasonably cautious and concerned. That will help us remember to take the best precautions we can to avoid it.

Yesterday I heard that wearing a mask might help you for about fifteen minutes until it gets moist. Most people wearing them take them off to speak or breathe and if you are going to wear them they have to be changed often. But, if you consider the things you touch (doorknobs, money, counter tops, baskets at the store, etc.) just touching the mask to take it off and replace it could put a virus right in your face. From what I am hearing, the best thing we can do is wash our hands very often, and be aware of keeping our hands off of our face.

Worried about the Swine Flu

Ohhh!!! Did you all read that nasty one! I think that Dianne is trying to be helpful lady! Your horrible remark was just that! If anyone should get over themselves it's you!
Time for this thread to leave!

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

Really don't think Dianne is right with this one. Local nightly news in alot of areas are reporting confirmed cases. Stange and scary. But still came from a trip to Mexico. I do wonder how they are doing today.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

They are having a nightmare, things are BAD in Mexico, a lot of people are losing their lives. Off the record, 700 deaths only in Hospital La Raza.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

This outbreak of Swine flu did NOT start in Texas.
Patient "Zero" was a young child in Mexico.
Like Diane I believe in caution.
Wiki also has an interesting read on Swine flu history for anyone interested.

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

reality check
Dianne-EMT-B, You are not a EMT-P, a R.N. or a M.D. You are a ambulance attendant. You don't know more about this than any of us. Get over yourself.

I may not have higher medical qualifications, but being in the medical field, particularly EMS, I work a lot with EMT-Ps, RNs, MDs, etc. In fact for the past couple of days my partner has been an EMT-P (Paramedic)! Spending 12 hours a day with someone, you get to talk a lot! He said he is not going along with the panic and hype either.

As I stated, I am first responder not a medical expert and was merely giving my opinion. I come in contact with a wide variety of diseases, Hep A, B, C, MRSA, C-Diff, etc. This swine flu is not any worse (at least here in the US) than what I come in contact with on a daily basis. I have read a lot of stuff about this flu and hear what the Drs and nurses say in the ER about it when I go in. The best defense is to wash your hands or at least use alcohol based sanitizers. Also, keep your hands away from your nose and mouth.

I help people on a daily basis because I LOVE it. Sometimes when people ask me what I am after I've helped them, I say, "I'm just an EMT". Trust me their reaction is shock, most say well you did a lot more for me! I am very proud of what I do though and, if in your eyes makes me need to "get over myself", I'm sorry I can't do that. In my job I am as humble as they come. I don't think of myself as anyone special. But ask my patients, they may tell you otherwise.

Btw, I'm not just an attendant either, I was promoted to ambulance driver a few months ago and assist the medics on scene.

Also, the disease was first "identified" in San Diego, CA, but the article left me with the impression that whomever was speaking on the topic was not certain of the origin. We have a lot more advanced medical technology in the US than they have in Mexico, so it may have been identified sooner in this country.

Yes it is important to educate yourself about this disease, but as the media often does, it tends to sensational everything and create panic. The best thing to do is stay calm and stay informed.

Dianne Mullikin, just an EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

The clinic I work for will NOT just give out an RX for Tamiflu -- it will only be given to people who test positive for Influenza A (Swine flu will not test as Flu B). This way those who really need it will have it available to them. People are just in a panic about this and need to calm down -- symptoms are the same as the flu that went around all winter, and yes, unfortunately people die from the flu each year. I work amongst the sick and I am not panicked nor do I have Tamiflu on hand to take -- if I need it I imagine an MD will prescribe it for me IF it is appropriate. For accurate information on this virus as well as a running total of cases diagnosed and in what states go here:

Now go back to worrying about keeping your job, your retirement, your bitch that is about to whelp, etc.!!!

Re: Worried about the Swine Flu

This flu is much more serious/deadly in Mexico for some reason that Dr.s can't figure out, unfortunately. Few if any deaths in the US so far. Tamaflu (sp) will be available here by prescrip. for those whose Dr.s say they need it. Tonight I heard on national news that this first wave of this flu may be mild but that it could recur in a few months much worse. Or next year. but they should have a vaccine by then - I hope!

Patient Zero - Worried about the Swine Flu

They believe that they have found patient Zero in Mexico which was a child...... The child is doing fine... thank goodness.....

Re: Patient Zero - Worried about the Swine Flu

It is just another form of the flu, people still dye from the regular flu. They say similar to the bird flu that never went off as bad as they made it sound either.
hard to fight when our society is drug crazy, not much left to work with.

It is terrible that there are so many deaths from it, could that be from lack of good medicine in Mexico? Hope the Mexican breeders are doing OK.

Re: Patient Zero - Worried about the Swine Flu

Nobody knows anything about the Mexican breeders, I send an email and nobody responded. I'm worried, hope they are doing OK.