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Registering Micro chips-Home Again

I remember a conversation on here long ago about the change in price of sending in the information. Are you all being billed the $14.50 a year ? Think it is $10.00 when you first send them. What are you all doing ?

Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

Check out the AKC microchip program. It is a one-time charge. No annual fee. Home Again charges annual.

Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

I have been using the Home Again Chips for years, but registering them with the AKC CAR program - one time fee. I changed to the AKC chips this past litter - liking that they were registered in my name immediately. I had major trouble with them - My vet put them in for me - two disappeared and at least one migrated. Has anyone else using these chips had these issues? She is used to putting in the Home Again chips, and hadn't done the AKC Trojan chips before.

Anyway, recently I have heard of two vet hospitals using the ResQ chip by Bayer. They have a free registry. Does anyone know about this?

I will probably continue to use the AKC CAR program for registering chips, but am not sure what chip I will use in the future. I'm wondering if having so many Registries will get confusing. Who do you call when you find a pet?

warning, Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

Some folks have had problems, and worry that the scanners in US. vets offices and shelters will not read these Bayer chips There have also been complaints about them not working, not being readable. If I wanted an ISO chip for an export, I'd check into the ones by AVID or possibly Home Again's new chips, as opposed to their regular US ones.
However, as chips change, those with more than one type of chip may have to update their scanners to the ones that read all three major types of chips; Home Again said in the fall that their new scanners would do so.
It is still all very complicated.

Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

Our All-breed KC bought 50 or so of the AKC chips when they offered their special not too long ago - of course we haven't used them all yet - because we are a very small club - but of the 20 or so members who have used them - 4 have had troubles - disappearing completely, migrating, etc.

I use the AVID chips on my own dogs and register them with AKC and Avid.


Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

I use Home Again chips. You do not have to pay the yearly fee to be covered, I have spoken to company reps. about this issue and they provided me with documentation. Once you pay the first year you will always stay in their system. If you pay the yearly fee-which they are hoping you will of course-there are added 'benefits'. I didn't see any value in the added benefits myself and just pay a one time fee, instructing our puppy homes to do the same. The other option I would consider-using Home Again chips and registering with AKC CAR.

Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

Ditto. I believe the extras you get if paying yearly is that if a dog is lost they will put up flyers in your area, etc.

I paid a one time fee and can still put info on my dogs and pics of them on their site for identification purposes.

Re: Registering Micro chips-Home Again

Good information and just what I was looking for. I thought that is what I had read. Need to send some in and was concerned.