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Teaching an old dog new tricks

My boy will be 3 soon and I was thinking about trying some field training with him. Can anyone recommend a event, book or club for me to find out more information to see if this is something we'd be interested in pursuing. TIA

We live in Long Island, New York - but will travel

Re: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Morning Diane. Contact a local gundog group and see what they might offer or have info on. Our group has a weekly training session where anyone is welcome to come whether their dog is new or seasoned. Lots of fun and with the people/dogs there that have experience, I think the newbie people/dogs learn quicker by seeing how it's done and trying it! JMO

Re: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Hi Diane,

I am on the Island and just joined the local club last year. I am a complete novice and have managed to get one leg of her JH, and two SHR. Not to mention that I am having a blast. We would love to have new people come out and work with us. This saturday we are meeting in Manorville at the Otis Pike Preserve. You are more than welcome to come meet some of the club. We actually have a AKC hunt test coming up the first weekend in June, for which I am the chair.

Feel free to look at the website, or e-mail me privately.


Re: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Thanks for your replies! Michelle I'm going to email you for more info!!!

Re: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Diane, you'll have so much fun but's ADDICTIVE!

Re: Teaching an old dog new tricks

My boy is only a year and a half but he had never seen a duck until 2 weeks ago. I usually do obedience but wanted to try something new. We've been out twice and we're hooked!! He's not this enthusiastic about obedience! I just contacted a local club and went to their training day-everyone was more than willing to help the newbies! Can't wait for the next training day! It's so awesome to watch these dogs do what they were bred to do!!