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swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

Have a distant breeder friend with a swimmer pup,now 13 days old.
I have tried to explain the hobbling procedure but she is not getting the idea, what ever she is doing pup can still lay on belly.
anyone out there with a photo or good website?

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

I have one kicking around somewhere and will try and dig it up. You've likely checked on-line already - I think that's where this one came from in the first place.

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

This is the one I was looking for but here's some alternative therapies to check out:

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

thanks for that link and to those who replied privately.
Visual always helps :O)

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

I'll keep looking for the picture & send it along if I can lay my hands on it. Glad you have some info to share & hopefully this pup will do well too!

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

No pictures here. Wrap surgical tape just below the puppy's hock leaving a short tab on the inside. Do both hocks. Determine how much width is necessary allowing the puppy to be able to stand with his legs at a normal width apart. Connect the two tabs by adding the necessary tape to the two tabs between his hocks. You can adjust the width every couple of days by snipping between the legs and adding a little more tape to account for growth.

You should only need to do this for a week at most.

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

If the pup needs the hobble for a week, you are doing it too early. If the pup has the maturity needed, it will be up and about in no more than 48 hours.

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

"If the pup needs the hobble for a week, you are doing it too early. If the pup has the maturity needed, it will be up and about in no more than 48 hours."

Sometimes they are swimmers before they are ready to get up on their feet. I had a large litter years ago that caught me off guard with four swimmers. Otherwise, I agree with your statement above.

In addition, if I have a swimmer, I usually leave the hobbles on an extra day or two just to be that would be about four days. By putting a rubber base bathmat .... rubber up .... the puppy will be up in no time.

Re: swimmer pup hobble, looking for photo

Well, yes, they are swimmers before they are ready to get up. They are virtually swimmers from the day they are born.

It is not helpful to hobble puppies before they are physically mature enough to walk. If all the normal puppies are walking well, it is time to hobble.

Think about people. Would you insist on putting an infant in some kind of contraption to try to make it walk before it is ready? You could do it, but you would probably have one miserable little kid.