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bed bugs

I recently returned from a few shows and 3 days ago started itching like crazy. I have 20+ bites that appeared at night. These bites look just likw the bed bug bites I find on line. Articles say you can bring these home from hotels. Anyone have this experience?

Re: bed bugs

My guess would be more like Fleas if you just came from a dog show.
No idea what you do about bed bugs but fleas you bomb the house and protect your dogs with frontline or advantage.

Re: bed bugs

could also be chiggers if you were hanging around any trees. Do they still itch?

Re: bed bugs

It could also be a bad reaction to the disinfectant that the hotel used for their sheets.

Re: bed bugs

Hate to say it but it could be bedbugs. They are everywhere this year from the best hotels on down.
I am going to hitting some shows come July and have
been trying to figure out how to protect myself, just
in case. Hope you stop itching soon

Bed Bug Info- hope this helps

Bed Bug Frequently Asked Questions
1. Has there really been a resurgence in bedbugs in the U.S. and how do you know?
There HAS been an increase in bedbug infestations. Our member pest control companies who received 1 or 2 bedbug calls a year are now reporting 1 to 2 each week.

2. Where have you been finding the bedbugs?
These pests are not limited to any one specific type of dwelling. Pest control companies have been reporting the infestations in multi-family housing, apartments, hotels and even hospitals.

3. What states have been affected?
Pest control companies have reported bed bug activity on a national scale. Bedbugs are being found from the East to the West Coast; and everywhere in between.

4. Why are bedbugs so hard to treat?
Bedbegs should not be equated with filth or sanitation problems -- in hotels or in homes, for that matter. Bedbugs are very elusive, transient and nocturnal pests. They are often found in other areas besides the bed. And they are hardy. They can live for a year or more without eating and can withstand a wide range of temperatures from nearly freezing to almost 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Bedbugs can be controlled with vigilance and constant inspection and treatment by professional pest control companies.

What can a consumer do to protect themselves from bedbug infestations?
To prevent bedbug infestations, consumers need to be vigilant in assessing their surroundings. When returning from a trip, check your luggage and clothing. If you think you may have a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional. This is not a pest that can be controlled with do-it-yourself measures.

7. Why are bedbugs an issue for hotels, visitors, and homeowners?
Bedbugs leave itchy, bloody welts on human skin. Adult bed bugs can live for a year without eating, making them especially hard to control. Once inside a hotel or home, bed bugs spread rapidly from room to room - through pipes, in vacuum cleaners, on clothing and luggage. In a hotel, bed bugs can even spread to neighboring rooms, since guests are may end up moving to another room.

8. Are bedbugs just in beds?
Bedbugs are not just in beds. They can be in chair cushions, sofas, behind electrical outlets, cracks and crevices around baseboards, or even behind picture frames. In other words, they can be live pretty much anywhere

9. How does one control bedbugs?
Any effective bedbug control strategy should start with a careful, thorough inspection by a pest control professional of all known and suspected spots where the bugs may be harboring. This is not a pest that can be controlled effectively with do-it-yourself measures. As they are discovered, the pest control professional will develop a treatment and control strategy with the customer depending on the extent of the infestation.

Bed bugs get their name because they like to live and feed in beds.

Bed bugs like to travel and will hide in suitcases, boxes and shoes to be near a food supply. They are elusive, nocturnal creatures. They can hide behind baseboards, electrical switchplates, picture frames, even wall paper. They come out at night for a blood meal.

Bed Bugs like to hide in small cracks and crevices close to a human environment. They can be found behind baseboards, wallpaper, upholstery, and in furniture crevices.

Although bed bugs can dine on any warm-blooded animal, they primarily dine on humans. Bed bugs do not transmit diseases, but their bites can become red, itchy welts.


Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
Check your bedsheets for tell-tale blood spots.
Consider bringing a large plastic trashbag to keep your suitcase in during hotel stays.
Carry a small flashlight to assist you with quick visual inspections.
Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is imperative to seek professional pest control to address an infestation.

Re: bed bugs

Bedbugs in hotels have become something of an epidemic in the last few years.

A few years ago I had a friend that took her family on a vacation across country. When they travel they tend to stay in really cheap hotels. The whole family came home with bedbugs.

The treatment involves covering the ENTIRE body, from head to toe, with a heavy lotion and then changing and sanitizing all bedding. I believe they did this several times before they were done.

Hope it turns out to be something easier to take care of. I'm sure it's not fun.

Re: bed bugs

Well, I just found one of the bugs on me. Picked it off and killed it. I was changing all sheets and vacuuming the mattress. Really makes me want to go to another hotel :(

Re: bed bugs

Wow! Eeuwww! Too Bad! Do we get to know where you stayed to give us a heads up?

Here's a good link:

best of luck getting rid of them. I'd call the pesticide person today!

I recently returned from a few shows and 3 days ago started itching like crazy. I have 20+ bites that appeared at night. These bites look just likw the bed bug bites I find on line. Articles say you can bring these home from hotels. Anyone have this experience?

Re: bed bugs

I've been bringing my own cot and sleeping bag to most hotels(when dog showing) and it's nice and cozy and best of bedbugs!!! I roll it up each morning and put it back in it's sleeve to keep it "uninfested". I wash it in very hot water when I get home to be sure I'm not bringing anything home. Sorry for your dilemma.

Re: bed bugs

It was a Holiday Inn (not at Potomac) I called the mgr and he was very nice--he closed the room last night and is calling exterminators. He gave me his e-mail address. Frankly I am embarrassed to say where I was--it might come back to bite me :-)
Ellen, from what I've read, taking and using a sleeping bag won't prevent bug infestation. The sites recommend you even put your suitcase in a plastic bag in the room.
The washing machine and vacuum have been going full time here!

Re: bed bugs

Hey, what if I spray the outside of the sleeping bag with bug spray? Of course the smell might not be so pleasant to sleep with. My hubby had to treat all his clothing with a "special" bug agent given to them before going to Iraq. He had to soak, literally, his uniforms in it; ring them out and then let them air dry for a couple of days outside...all before packing and leaving. That stuff would kill anything I swear! I really worry that it may have had a nerve agent in it, but we'll never know. All he said was he'd rather not get any of the yucky illnesses from the insects there. You can be treated for chiggers, but you can also get a secondary infection from scratching the bites. Try not to itch!!!