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4 week old broken tail

in my 4 week old litter I have a female that has a broken tail. Not sure how it happened and does not seem to bother her.
Half way down there is a C hook and then the tail seems disconnected at a joint as the tail easily bends 90 degrees.

Any chance of fixing this?

Re: 4 week old broken tail

Ask your vet.

Re: 4 week old broken tail

I had a similar problem few years back. My vet had me massage and manipulate the tail back into place.
It needs to be done 4-5 times a day it helps bring blood flow to the area and since it is cartilage you can make it reform.
she looks fantastic now as an adult with only a slight bump where the break was.

Re: 4 week old broken tail

The best thing would be to have it x-rayed to see if the cartilage ( not bone) in tail is intact. If it is not crushed then immediate intervetnion is necessary.If it is just dislocated then the vet maybe able to reposition it and put a cast on it.
We had one of our field dogs years ago with this issue and the xrayed showed the cartilage was indeed crushed at the joint, but the nerve was not damaged, we opted to cast and then see how it would appear( she had the cast on for 6 weeks), but over time the tail showed the kink in it. Since she was not a show dog, it did not matter as the tail still worked and no nerve damaged occured.