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will this CERF?

This was the last post in an old thread. Could
anyone answer the question?

ACVO said it was not a problem for breeding

Jun 14th, 2008 - 10:33 PM

Quote Reply
Re: Cataracts again

I just had eye exams done this week and one of my girls has a pinpoint punctate anterior cortex cataract on one eye. Right as he finished examining her the ACVO said "this is not affecting her vision, will not change in size, is not genetic and will not affect her being bred if you are planning to breed her". I have not yet decided IF I will even breed her (she has passed all other clearances, has wins in specialty classes and a lovely temperament with great drive in the field as well) but from what he said I would not consider this result a reason to spay her either. I also had an unrelated bitch diagnosed with the very same thing about 5 years ago and the following year the ACVO could not find it. Shows the importance of getting that eye exam every year I guess. So the question is, will she get a CERF number if I send in this form since he did not mark "normal" for that eye but did for the other eye? (nor did he check significance unknown) I was on the CERF web site and did not see an answer to that question.

and, what if the "significance unknown" IS checked?

Re: will this CERF?

I had a dog with POSTERIOR, and it will not CERF. It is my understanding the anterior WILL .

So it is your lucky day, buy a lotto ticket, it's all about the location !

Re: will this CERF?


Re: will this CERF?

These are just cholosterol deposits in the eye. They come and go. Not a problem from a breeding aspect.

Anterior Y Suture Cataracts?

Has anyone had any experience with these? One of my puppy people just called to say that a 5 year old pet from my breeding program was diagnosed with these-- had gone to the ACVO vet for an unrelated issue. The CERF website lists "n/a" for both genetic inheritance mode and advice to breeders. I assume dogs with anterior subcapsular cataracts shouldn't be bred (not an issue here, this girl is spayed). Does anyone know if this form of cataract is CERF-able? Any other information? Thanks in advance.

punctate cataract vs corneal dystrophy, Re: will this CERF?

The cholesterol deposits are not, in my experience with toy dogs and Labs, punctate cataracts. Anterior punctate cataracts can CERF, and, if they were the result of an injury, they can go away. The specialist told me that the injured cells leak and leave some pinpoint deposits temporarily as the eye heals, but I was not told that it was cholesterol. I could be wrong. I have not had the cholesterol or lipid deposits in Labs, but have had them in toy dogs--corneal dystrophy, a breeder's option, and they are visible to the naked eye, unlike the punctate cataract my Lab had. The punctate cataract got smaller and smaller, then disappeared on my Lab--hurray! All bets are off in some other breeds, such as Shelties, on the lipid deposits. Y suture cataracts--something else again. In the future, when you get a weird reading, just ask the ACVO. However, at least one younger NJ eye specialist is of the opinion that ANY cataract is genetic. So then take the dog to two more and different specialists, and get a vote, so to speak. Don't breed what is bad, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water, especially if a known injury. Clear as mud. Clearances are expert OPINIONS on a given day. Experts are human.