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UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

I had posted 3months ago my bitch at 2yrs had passed her elbows but was graded a Mild HD(subluxation/shallow acetabula)...I didn't know at the time of x-rays she was just coming into season..Everyone here encouraged us to re-do in 6months.I sent the digital xrays to a orthopedic vet and he said I needed to do them again.So I waited 3 mts and had him re-do the xrays last week. It was hard to believe this was the same dog!!! He said they looked great and we believe she might get a excellent and at least a good!! I am walking on clouds...well 80% that is, must wait for that envelope with the windows.
They also said the positing on the first set were not good at all....I am surprised OFA accepted them..
Hope this encourages anyone thinking about resubmitting...You just never know...
Thanks for all the encouraging advice....

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

Congrats to you!

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

got one with the same results, elbows pass, hips borderline.
My vet was shocked to say the least, xrays look good. she started heat 1 week after submission.
she is going back in the end of this month as well.

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

The important piece of your story is that the positioning was not good on the first xray taken. The bitch's heat in this case probably had nothing to do with it. many vets do not take good hip xrays. You can't make a bad dog look good on film, but you certainly can easily make a good dog look bad. the moral of the story is, don't let just anyone do your xrays!

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

this vet has been doing OFA and Penn Hip for to many years to count. He is awesome at setting up and has top of the line equipment.

He works closely with several orthopedic specialist and lately has also been disillusioned with OFA and their wacky ratings.
He believes Penn Hip it is more accurate and leaves less room for opinions.
These xrays OFA marked borderline were also digitally sent to two other specialist for an opinion by my vet, both said they should have easily passed.

go figure??

When will you breed Gracie?

Re: When will you breed Gracie?

Very encouraging indeed...congrats

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

Kathy S.
The important piece of your story is that the positioning was not good on the first xray taken. The bitch's heat in this case probably had nothing to do with it. many vets do not take good hip xrays. You can't make a bad dog look good on film, but you certainly can easily make a good dog look bad. the moral of the story is, don't let just anyone do your xrays!

Kathy it was at the suggestion of the orthopedic vet that I have her redone at lease three months after her season. The first thing he asked was "did they mark subluxation on their findings? Then he suggested to wait at least 3 months before redoing.It was probably a combination of the two..

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

Happy Breeder
Kathy S.
The important piece of your story is that the positioning was not good on the first xray taken. The bitch's heat in this case probably had nothing to do with it. many vets do not take good hip xrays. You can't make a bad dog look good on film, but you certainly can easily make a good dog look bad. the moral of the story is, don't let just anyone do your xrays!

Kathy it was at the suggestion of the orthopedic vet that I have her redone at lease three months after her season. The first thing he asked was "did they mark subluxation on their findings? Then he suggested to wait at least 3 months before redoing.It was probably a combination of the two..

I am happy for you that it turned out this way. You had the patience to wait and re-do the x-rays. Some girls are effected by hormones.

Now, if you look at this linky, it shows how poor positioning can be also. There are some scarry x-rays shown.

Bottom line is, don't throw the babie out with the bathwater.

Re: UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

Are you suggesting an orthopedic vet over regular? And digital over regular? And what will you do if OFA doesn't give you the positive you expect? Three tough questions--sorry.

UPDATE: Resubmit OFA's

If OFA results are all over the place and the breeder decides to use only PennHip instead of OFA
Is that acceptable practice/tools to breed?
What does some of you do? Use both or only one?