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How often do labs shed?
We are in Texas
My girls just shed in Jan
They just returned from being at trainer for 1 mo They smelled terrible last night so I bathed them WOW.... There was enough hair to make a wig from it!
Your thoughts!

Re: Shedding

Welcome to labs...LOL!

Re: Shedding

Yes, I just found out that this is normal
I also found out that they will be shedding all summer long!

Re: Shedding

You found a great way to speed up their shedding..warm bath

Re: Shedding

Yeppers! Does the trick all the time! They smelled awful! First thing she did when she got home is go to my bedroom and jump on the bed! Whewwww! A good time was had by all!

Re: Shedding

what color is she? Most of my guys blow coat once or twice a year, but not the yellow one......

And why do they always need to buttuck after a bath???

Re: Shedding

Another friend who has labs said that her labs shed all summer....

Re: Shedding

Best way to get the bulk of the shed out is to give them a nice warm bath and then use a high powered dryer...similar to what a groomer would use. Blows all of that loose hair out. This is the ONLY time I use a dryer on my dogs but definately helps speed things along. My old veteran got a spa day on sooner did I turn her loose after her beauty treatment and she went and layed in a mud puddle! 9 years young and still keeping me on my toes!!! Guess she wanted to add the mudd mask treatment?!