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Yea Jill!

Woo! woo! I can read whole threads at a time without playing around to do it! Yea!


Re: Yea Jill!

Sooooo much better! Thank you!

Re: Yea Jill!

Forum Fan!
Woo! woo! I can read whole threads at a time without playing around to do it! Yea!


Jill, although she's great and wonderful, had NOTHING to do with it

Re: Yea Jill!

Jill sure has everything to do with it. Bravenet should be honoured to have Jill paying for this service.

Thank you Jill.

Re: Yea Jill!

thanks for the accolades, but I really did not have anything to do with the changes.

But, if you do remember, a few weeks ago, I did ask all of you to just be patient while Bravenet did their best to make the new changes more user friendly.

Now, I will prepay for another year The subscription was up on June 1st and I was waiting to see what changes they were going to make. ;-)


Re: Yea Jill!

Jill sure has everything to do with it. Bravenet should be honoured to have Jill paying for this service.

Thank you Jill.

Right she did-NOT! This all just leaves me shaking my head. Some of you all just bitched and moaned blaming her for making the changes and then praised her when BRAVENET finally worked out the bugs. Jill came on and explained more than once it wasn't her doing at all.

I guess some people just don't get it!

Re: Yea Jill!

Thank Bravenet
Jill sure has everything to do with it. Bravenet should be honoured to have Jill paying for this service.

Thank you Jill.

Right she did-NOT! This all just leaves me shaking my head. Some of you all just bitched and moaned blaming her for making the changes and then praised her when BRAVENET finally worked out the bugs. Jill came on and explained more than once it wasn't her doing at all.

I guess some people just don't get it!

Excuse Me! I was not one that bitched and moaned, and didn't blame Jill for anything! I am just happy that it's working again! If it wasn't for Jill, we wouldn't have this forum, and what's wrong with saying THANK YOU!

Re: Yea Jill!

let's just drop it and move onto something else.