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registering new puppy online as full not limited

The subject of clients registering their new puppies online was brought up this weekend, it seems that if the breeder marks the litter registration as Limited, the new puppy owner can go online and register that puppy as FULL registration.
So now I am sending all of mine in at the same time, and I am paying for that too, so to make sure they go out as Limited. How many of you are doing same ?

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

Even if you blacken out the box, which makes the registration limited, the numbers in it are still visible. If they register the pup online, they could plug in the numbers putting the pup on a full registration. The AKC needs to change the form. One way might be to put those numbers in grey so they would not be visible once blackened in.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

How can they register the pups as "full" without the numbers in the box that is blacked out.

One way to prevent this from happening is to cut out the square, as per AKC's remommendation, that there are no numbers.

If somebody changed the registration, contact AKC and tell them. They will do something about it.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

Besides cutting out the number in the limited box, also cut out the pin number so they cant use the online registration. This way if you put in your kennel name, they cant register online and not use your kennel name.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

yes they can, AKC allows them to white out the registered name part of a puppy application.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

I tell puppy buyers in advance of their puppy pick up date to have a registered name chozen for there new puppy and to bring their check book with them to write the check to AKC to register their puppy. I fill out the paperwork for them, I have them sign the litter paper, and I send it to AKC myself. I explain to them, why I do this, and I have never had anyone argue with me. It's a little more work, but it's the only way to make 100% sure that none of my puppies get out of my house with someone trying to pull a fast one.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

Can someone give me the link to check on my previous litters registration? I remember Corey Anger posted the address a while ago. Can we check there to see if any of our puppies have been registered full?

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

Even if you send the registrations in yourself which is what I do also to make sure the dog gets registered and to make sure the status stays the same ie; limited or full as far as the name goes they can change that name even if you send it in yourself. On the AKC papers it says that the owner of the dog has the right to name the dog themselves and if they decide later they don't want your kennel name on those papers if the dog has not been shown at any AKC event they can pay to have that name changed later.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

I appreciate what you are saying Jackie, but if they change the registered name to something other than my kennel name, first, it voids all my guarantees on their dog. That's the way I have my contract written. So it looks like the most they could do is change the name, but the dog would still be on a limited registration, unless the AKC is playing games with that too.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

Don't think that AKC would change the limited. Your contract however I hate to tell you but i've been told by lawyers those contracts would not hold up in court :{... sucks but that's the way it is.

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

a more selective screening process for puppy buyers

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

You're probably right, almost every contract has loopholes and there is always the possibility of someone challenging them, however, at least my puppy buyers will be able to see it in black and white and they will know what is exected of them. I screen my buyers pretty carefully, but there is always that one "stinker" that can slip by!

registering new puppy online as full not limited

Has anyone had an attorney look at their puppy contract?

registering new puppy online as full not limited

Has anyone had an attorney write their puppy contract?

Re: registering new puppy online as full not limited

My contract is written by an attorney, however he did say it can be challenged in court :{, the law considers dogs property so once sold.....