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Got long--will she get short again?

I have a 5 month old pup. At 7 weeks she was short backed/coupled, now she's quite long. do they usually come back? She a nice mover, nice front, nice rear, decent angulation, but she got long all of a sudden, and her tail dropped quite a bit.

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

The same thing happened here, she's grown up and still long.

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

Mine grow a bit long, but then once they grow a bit of leg, all things level out :) Be patient.

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

My girl at 8 weeks was short backed also. Now she looks a little long, I am hoping those legs will catch up and she will return to being short backed so far things are moving very slow.....

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

I find the length of loin pretty much never changes, though - if you paid attention to how long the loin itself was as a puppy, that's pretty much how that body part stays. That is much more important than strict "body length" as a longer loin doesn't support the body as well and you tend to get a saggy topline with it.

Got long--will she get short again?

I worried about this and then I worried about how long her tail was! She's 2-1/2 and looks good and her tail is even nicer than it was ....

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

Being quite new, is there anyway you can explain how to look at the loin? I might have to go back and check out her baby pictures and really look at that.

Thanks everyone else for your replies, looks like a little bit of everything, which is why I guess running on a puppy is always an ify situation!

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

How do you evaluate a puppy loin?

Re: Got long--will she get short again?

You really can't tell by pictures - you have to feel it with your fingers - the distance from the last rib to the rear leg ie - typically on a nice short-couple puppy at 7-8 weeks, 4 fingers, fingers together, is a nice puppy - real far apart fingers is long. It is really something you have to evaluate with each puppy and look at the proportions. Pictures don't tell. For instance, I have 2 littermates - one looks longer in pictures compared to the other one, but the longer(back)-looking dog is actually shorter-coupled than the shorter(back)-looking dog - very deceiving without your hands on them.