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Club Newsletter formats?

Just curious as to if clubs are still sending out their newsletters via US Postal service, or if some are sending out theirs electronically? If electronically, what format seems to work best for members? (e-mail, link on a website, posted on a website, pdf file, word doc, through a group like yahoo/google, through a reader like google reader & a subscription, etc.)

Re: Club Newsletter formats?

One of my lab clubs does it electronically. One of my lab clubs still sends it via US Mail. My kennel club does it electronically.

Both electronic ones are sent via email.

Re: Club Newsletter formats?

I am the editor for the Rose City LRC newsletter (and a real rookie at that).

Our newsletter goes out monthly electronically as an attached PDF file to an e-mail.

I have only about 6 members that do not have e-mail so I print off hard copies and snail mail it to them.

Valerie Jones (aka Bibsmom)