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Gold Bond

A Lab breeder once told me that Gold Bond cures ear infections.I have never tried it,but my dogs are shaking their heads and when I gently swab their ears the q-tip becomes wet with a brownish tint.There is moisture in their ears and I was wondering,because Gold Bond is medicated,if it would be safe to put in their ears? Has anyone ever heard of this?,or tried it?

Re: Gold Bond

Never heard of Gold Bond being used in ears, but it sounds like you need to get a good ear cleaner and flush out the ear canal. Then you can wipe out the excess yuck that comes up...good luck!

Re: Gold Bond

My vet gave me zymox for the first time a few months ago and I was very happy with how quickly it did the job.
I always went the route of a good ear cleaner and a puff of ear powder, but now I will use a course of zymox first and then go back to the cleaner and powder for maintenance.
Just and FYI, you can not use any kind of cleaner or powder in conjunction with the zymox as cleaners can render some ingredients inactive so if you have used cleaners you may want to flush the ear well with water and let it dry well for a day before starting the zymox. I have found every form of zymox, both with and without steroids on amazon for great prices as well as most mail order vet supplies. Good luck! As someone with a couple who always seem to get a gukky ear or two in the summer I know the aggravation:)
Oh, and the gold bond, boy do we love that stuff here! great for all kinds of issues, and yes, I have indeed used it on the ears, but not inside, only on the inner flaps. A day after a bath after they have dried very well I give mine a good "powder" with gold bond in between toes,under arms and tummys and other areas that might get a bit moist.

Re: Gold Bond

Thank you for the information!

Re: Gold Bond

Not all ear infections are from the same cause. If it is an ongoing issue - I would have the vet check the debris under the scope to see if there is bacteria. Some bacterias require specific meds.

Re: Gold Bond

Flush with water? My Vet said do everything you can to keep water out of the ear, he said moisture is the culprit. Powders will just gunk up. Put some in the palm of your damp hand and watch what it will do.

Re: Gold Bond

Mine had chronic ear infections, year-round, swimming or not, and the vet concluded it was a food allergy. Since switching to a fish-based formula, we have not had a problem. Good luck!

Re: Gold Bond

Thank you!....I switched all my guys to Merrick's chicken Before Grain and they are doing really well on it,my ten year old has found the fountain of youth...he runs for miles on the beach like he is a puppy....we are on the beach every day,they do not swim on a regular basis but they do splash around in the low tide pools.Maybe it is a combination of the trees blooming and an occasional splash of salt water in their ears?Maybe I will switch them to salmon Before Grain and get some ear solution today....thanks for all your help....and of course the more they scratch the more likely a hot spot will is that time of year!

Re: Gold Bond

I have never heard of Gold Bond for ears either.

Are you sure your not thinking of Boric Acid? This is used with witch hazel and gentian violet to make the purple ear cleaner.

Re: Gold Bond

I dont mean to regularly flush with water but in the case she has used ear cleaner and wanted to start with zymox. Even residual cleaner can keep it from working. I always use the ear powder the day after cleaning when the ears are dry and have had no problems with the powder clumping up.