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$1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

I was on some one here's website. But my senior memory fails me which one of you it is. I need to send some education on paper to a person who called for a puppy. I tried to tell him the difference between this amount for a puppy. And apparently he needs something on paper. I would prefer this amount then the $800 dollar puppy. If This sounds familar to any of you. Any way you could send this to me so i could send it to this wanna be client.'
I would appreciate it so much. I actually should have it on my website. And if you would allow me to reproduce it on my site. That would be nice. But its really for this person.

TIA Diane

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

I've read the article you're talking about and also don't recall who's website it's on, however, I do have my own simluar article that deals with the different prices of pup and what you get for your money. Here's the link if interested:

Also, here's another article from my website that I believe is a useful tool for anyone looking for a new pup:

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

Beware, this person may be nothing but trouble if he's already questioning you on the price and wanting it in writing. I see red flags ahead!

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

True, that may well be the case, and something to consider. However, education is so important too. If people are open and willing to learn, we have a repsonsisblity to teach. Even though 9 out of 10 may not be swayed to pay twice as much for a dog than they intended, now and then you will find those that are greatful for the information, and who are happy to pay more once they realize why. JMO

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

Candyheart, you gave a very smart answer, and I couldn't agree with you more about your desire to help inform the public. But after 20 years of dealing with potential puppy buyers, my cautious self still sees red flags waving. A person that calls me and just wants a loving, healthy beautiful companion will get my puppy any day over some fuss-bucket that is already trying to manipulate this seller by putting them on the defensive about why their well-bred puppies are going for twice the price of the one that he probably saw in the local paper. I would worry mostly because this person may not be able to afford to care properly for one of my puppies, as it's hard to get out of the vet's office for less than $150 these days. Don't get me wrong, I respect you for your view, and wish I was as trusting, but I am an eternal pessimist.

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

You've got me. I do trust and look for the best in people, but I want you to know that I also understand where you are coming from. I have had those fussy customers as well. Always want something for nothing, and try to milk you for money, etc. At the end of the day, however, I feel that we can still educate people, even if we ultimatley decide not to sell them a pup. I don't care if people buy from me or not, some I prefer don't buy from me, but if they are willing, I still try to empart some info where I can, without being pushy or nosey. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't. Even if I don't sell them a pup, someone else will. That's the way I look at it :)

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

We have an article on our website that concerns puppy pricing, I'm not sure if it is the one you are speaking of but it is linked to and/or copied (with permission) on several other sites:

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

I believe it is on Laura's Woodhaven-Kelrobin site where she has her treasure trove of informative articles!

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

Check on this web site too:

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

I believe this might end up trouble also. When they start this with me I might educate, but at that point I tell them I don't have a puppy for them. If they don't understand or have money how can they take care of a pup with month to month cost. Or if an accident happened with the dog. I hate having to "sell" one of my pups. Take em or leave em !

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy

I'm a puppy owner, I've paid $350 for each one of my labs. Both have had a lot of health problems. They both didn't have all their clearances. Now I realize their where a lot of red flags. I did alot of research and purchased a blk lab about a 1 1/2 years ago for about $850. She is totally worth it!! I think educating puppy owners as to the importance of having clearances, whats in their lines, socialization, etc... helps them understand why the price difference! If they don't understand, don't sell them a puppy. I always tell my friends who can't believe how much I paid for my lab that I can pay more up front for a dog that the chances of them having alot of problems later on is small or I can pay less up front and the chances of me paying alot more later on are alot higher.

Re: $1000 vs $400 labrador puppy