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OCD hock

This is my first time dealing with OCD of the hock. Puppy is 6 months old. I haven't been able to find anything that says this is inherited. Also, looking at arthroscopic surgery. Any one with anything to share?

Re: OCD hock

JMO but I'd wait a bit & then get a second opinion. A friend recently had a 10 month old "diagnosed" with OCD (shoulder) and after being treated with accupuncture for PANO, is doing just fine & dandy!

Re: OCD hock

I had a disaster litter and 2 of the pups had this. One I kept and another. I read on here and listened to breeders who said I should get the surgery before 6 months. It cost me $1400. She is OK. the recovery was rough. The littermate went to a pet home. No surgery. 3 y/o now...owner just watches exercise..says sometimes the dog limps. The one I kept now lives with a family member--little exercise so I don't know how she'd be if she had a active lifestyle.
Bottom line. My reg vet said--"You took her to a surgeon--that's what they do." I would not do it again.
BTW The pet owner called a few weeks ago--this is the best dog he ever had--when would I have another puppy for him?? I asked about the hock--said it was no problem. I never gave a discount as I didn't know when I sold the puppy and he did not ask for anything later.

Re: OCD hock

No to surgery. Supplement with Cosequin and do hydrotherapy for excercise.

I was told that often surgery of a hock can cause more damage than letting it fuse on it's own.

Good luck...sorry your pup has OCD. I know how frustrating it is.

Re: OCD hock

Had a friend who co-owned a show prospective female that started limping on one rear hock. Friend took the pup back and had an ortho vet look at it. Friend was told by vet that it depends on where the OCD is in the hock whether or not it is hereditary or from an injury. For the life of me I can't remember if it is inside hock joint an injury and outside genetics or the other way around. This pup's type of OCD was an injury. In this case, surgery was done.

Had another friend whose puppy male was diagnosed with shoulder OCD and ortho vet did surgery. When joint was opened up, it was not OCD at all. The invasion of the joint by the surgery caused permanent lameness and her very nice male had to be placed into a pet home.

Re: OCD hock

My young boy went through this several months ago. I would not have done surgery except his was so bad that he could not put any weight on the leg. Vet said it was one of the worst he has ever seen.

The recovery was long (I took it very, very slow and controlled - even longer than suggested), but the results are wonderful. He runs like the wind, and retrieves like a maniac. I firmly believe that without the surgery he would have been crippled.