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Swimming In a pool

Are there any negative effects on coats by swimming a dog in a chlorinated pool?

Re: Swimming In a pool

Best advice I received on swimming a dog in your pool is:
Wet them down with a hose BEFORE you let they go for a swim....keeps the coat from absorbing as much chlorine as when they jump in dry...

Re: Swimming In a pool

...and rinse them with a hose afterward also.

Re: Swimming In a pool

Our dogs have been swimming in the pool for 25 years and I don't hose them off at all. They have never had a problem. However, if the coat is already dead and needs to be removed - it does turn browner faster on the blacks, from the chlorine

Re: Swimming In a pool

We put a pool in for the Labs 5 years ago, I couldn't keep up with the rinsing them off after business. They were in and out 8+ times a day. I just can't get all carried away about their coats--hoping they'll stay perfect for showing. They need to have fun too. I put the pool in so we all could enjoy it. And we do :)

Re: Swimming In a pool

This is something we tried

Salt water Swimming pool

How about a salt water swimming pool? Does anyone have any experience with it?

Re: Salt water Swimming pool

my dogs swim every day in a great big salt water pool called the Atlantic Ocean and their coats are beautiful and clean..

Salt water Swimming pool


Re: Salt water Swimming pool

My pool company told me that with the modern filtration systems it is not necessary to hose the dogs off.