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How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

My 9 month old pup is extremely destructive. She has eaten holes in the drywall, baseboards, AC hoses, plants, sprinklers, dog beds, toys, books. I am home all day. She goes for walks daily, she swims almost everyday, she goes to obedience school and we practice that daily, she has a doggie play date once a week with two other Labs and I have two other dogs for her to play with at home. She has nylabones galore. I am at my wits end. I don't know what else I can do. She only does this stuff when I am in the shower or at the store. I have started to put her in a puppy pen when I can't watch her. I am exhausted. When will this end????????? Could this be a separation issue?

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

No, this is definately not a seperation issue. It's a human issue due to lack of training. A 9 month old lab puppy is not allowed to stay in the house alone or with other dogs without being crated. It's a rare dog that's actually trustworthy at that age. You are SUPPOSED to put the dog in the pen when you can't watch them.

My current 2 pups were terrible. I think one was the instigator and the other had to jump in and together they damaged alot of stuff. My 3 adults NEVER EVER did anything like that. They are now about 15 months and finally somewhat trustworthy. But for safety sake, if I walk the adults, I put the 2 pups in crates....still.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

as you are at home, please try to give the energetic young one some nosework to do while you are doing something else out of sight?

if the youngster inside hide some small pieces of cheese or similar in a room, a lot of tiny pieces for the dog to search and find.

if in the year, throw a hand full of similar goodies into the lawn/yard area, and the dog spends the time finding them...its even more effective that a looooooooong walk to make the youngster calmer. worht trying, as the crating is not much used in finland and our labs share the homes with us. mine are always free in the house,only one has chewed the walls while puppy.
just an idea???

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

Labradors are puppy until they are three. Training would most likely help a lot here.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

would not be allowing a 9 month old loose in my house unless I am right by his side.
why do families feel crating is so cruel? It cant be any worse than the destruction of a curious puppy.

Sounds like you may be expecting your two older dogs to teach and babysit your pup. It is up to you to install the needed rules for him to become a trustworthy dog.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

JMO I think it depends on the dog - we've got a 5 yr old that has NEVER been destructive. Then there's his "brother" who if left to his own devices would more than make up for it! He's almost 3 now and settling down very nicely BUT it wasn't without a lot of patience, training AND a large bottle of Tylenol came in handy at times too. Your pup is just hitting his "teenager" years so best get a handle on it now.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

Speaking from personal experience-I love a crate and my dogs do too! My boy is 20 months and he stays out all the time when I'm home and if I run out on short errands. He's in his crate all day when I go to work and overnight. It's part of his daily routine and he thinks nothing of it. At this point he's not really destructive but can be a bit of a bull in a china shop at times!! My puppy on the other hand is part beaver!! I don't turn my back on her for a second!! Glad she loves her crate-I forsee her being there for a LONG time!! The doors are always open and they can go in a lay down anytime they want and they do-even my 14 year old girl does sometimes!!

Professionally speaking-I work at a vet hospital and can't tell you how many dogs eat stupid things that need to be surgically removed!!

The crate is the safest place for her until she grows up a bit-which may be a while

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

Let me make this more clear. The pup doesn't have the run of my house. She is left in a "dog" room
which has had the walls covered so she won't eat the drywall and she has access to an outside dog yard. I would NEVER leave her in my house unattended. How do you propose that I train her when I never catch her doing these naughty things. She is a very clevor girl. When she is in the house with me she never does anything naughty. It is impossible to correct her when I can't catch her in the act. She is left alone only when I need to go out to the store/appointment or take a shower. When I do leave it is never for very long.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

It does give me comfort that this is standard Lab behavior. I will put her in her puppy pen (it is 3 x 3 and she sleeps in it too)when I leave now everytime. I am not one that thinks crates are cruel. I have been showing and breeding dogs for 25 plus years. This however is my very first Lab. Quite a challenge. I will say she was housebroken from the time I got her from the breeder. She is a very sweet dog just a wrecking ball. I will not give up! I hope my house will still be standing when she is over this puppy stage.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

I have raised 4 labs - they remain puppies in my opinion until age two. Your puppie suffers from separation anxiety. A large crate in the dogs room will protect against any damage.

Your puppy loves you to death - and just hates being away fromn you - its a blessing, believe me. Also, your dog is so lucky to have a stay at home "Mom", the flip side is that puppie just isn't use to being left alone for long periods of time like if you were working Mom.

I also use "Bitter Apple Spray" on anything that might be in danger!

A crate is the real happy answer!

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

I second the bitter apple. Freezing water bottles with the cap off might be fun play for her. The empties work too, my Gab will chase empty water bottles and exhaust herself. I would also find creative ways to feed her, where she has to mentally challenge herself for every feeding. Stuffng Kongs, femur bones, packing them with a kibble/cottage cheese mixture so it takes a long time for her to feed. It takes more time, but you can prepare her feedings and keep them in the fridge ready to go. She might be more relaxed afterward.

I would also try to set her up to catch her destructive behavior and correct her, and reward her when she is doing exactly what you want her to do, like if she is laying nicely on her bed or in crate while making dinner, bring her a yummy treat to reinforce the good.

With my new girl I have to keep telling myself that she is not going to learn as my boy did. She is a little slower or more stubborn to pick things up, so I have to try different methods to see what sticks. Their brains aren't fully developed until they are three and they are grasping concepts at different rates. Obedience school (away from the other dogs) might help with the way that you bond, she might discipline (sp?) herself in that environment to please you. Some of this behavior might be her way of figuring out her overall environment/place in the pack. You might be rewarding it unintentionally because she gets attention for it. Just a thought. Good luck let us know how it goes.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

My puppy is nine months old also and she loves her crate,it is her own little private safe area where she can get away from US!I can relax knowing she is in a safe place.Do Labrador Retrievers ever grow up? My ten year old is still in the puppy stage....Why not puppy proof your home?EVERYTHING is fair least your puppy is allowed in the house(where they belong!)

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

You are not going to "train" the dog. As others have already said, the dog needs to be crated when you are not with her. It is your job to protect the dog from herself at this age.

Re: How Long Does the Puppy Stage Last

Buy a large crate--about 27x24x36 get a cover for it to make it cozy. Ger rid of the 3x3 pen. It's not the same thing. A crate is their den a 3x3 pen is not a den.