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Breaking Down Urine

Does anyone have a suggestion for neutralizing urine. I am looking for a product that might speed up the process. I do not want a deodorizer to mask it but would like something that helps break it down.

The dogs are all trained to urinate in a sandy area in the yard. This helps to keep a lawn in the back yard and I usually am able to control the urine smell too with lots of water. Occasionally though, when it is very hot and sunny, there is an odor and adding something that would help decrease this while helping with the natural process of breaking it down would be great. Of course, I would like something environmentally friendly. Any thoughts?

Re: Breaking Down Urine


Re: Breaking Down Urine

is lime safe for animals?

Re: Breaking Down Urine

My girl burns our lawn. My husband diligently arreates and re-seeds, but this is a vicious cycle. We will not give her drugs or supplements. Can he put lime on the lawn to neutralize the urine? Are there other preemptive suggestions to minimize/prevent lawn burn?

Re: Breaking Down Urine

if she pulls the sand to the side and sprinkles under the sand, then rake it back over it will help.I would not want my dogs right on top of it.

used in horse stalls all the time to eliminate urine smell.

also put down straight on pastures that livestock are grazing on.

Re: Breaking Down Urine

Last month Susan of Fenwyck and others mentioned Sweet PDZ and gave this link. I haven't had a chance to get to Tractor Supply, but this is a good reminder for me to try it before the weather gets hot.

Re: Breaking Down Urine

Water the lawn throroughly and this will help.

Re: Breaking Down Urine

If using lime (as suggested under the sand) be sure and get the powdered form.

The granules will not do the job.