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Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

Did any of you get the man calling you this week for a pup he is going to ship to his "dad" in Indonesia?

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

Alright, before we go any further, I appreciate your help, also...I would like to let you knbow that this male I am looking for is for one of my friends in India...over many years I have sent some good ones from form Vicky Creamer, Sally Bell etc etc...I like your male and m,ay be interested in him...we can talk more in detail about is a very good loving home and he will be shown..also..NO kennel sitaution as the dog will stay in the house....I need to know the price and also need to see his recent pictures as I would like to see his head profile...
thanks for your help,
best regards
Dr Rock vali, DVM
this man e-mailed me several times and would never tell me where the dog was going. Ended up I asked Patty if she knew anything about him and her friend in India let her know he is a dog broker for many breeds and isn't to be trusted. He is very evasive and won't give specific information. I don't know if this is the same man or not but when I told him what I knew of him he stopped e-mailing me. There really is a Rock Vali DVM in Conneticut but I don't know if this is the real one.

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

I have dealt with Dr. Rock Vali. He is very pleasant but never sends the money. He has lots of excuses that seem plausible but... I called his "references" and they had the very same things to say about him, nice but no follow thru. His friend must have lots of labradors in India because this was almost 4 years ago.

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

I like to point out for the record, the OP said Indonesia, not India, so I doubt its the same person.

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

Run Forrest Run
I like to point out for the record, the OP said Indonesia, not India, so I doubt its the same person.

My thought as well.

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

the same guy wanted to buy a dog to give his friend in the Phillipines from another breeder just before he contacted me. If it isn't the same man I bet they work together.

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

I heard stories about him too. He never showed allot of times with a few breeders. When he finally did, he didn't have most of the promised money and was a no show allot of times. He made promises he didn't keep.

I would never work with someone like that. He has a big net over the net . It will be a cold day in hell before I would net dogs or work with someone that did.

If you have something that good, you don't let someone net it.

Some people never learn about this stuff, do they?

Re: Man shipping pup to his 'dad' in Indonesia

To quote Monty Python: "Run away!"