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Kennel Dogs into house?

I have a couple of bitches. (Over a year) who have not had run of the house. I find when they do it is like kids in a candy store and they won't settle. This keeps them from having house time. Any ideas on introducing kennel dogs to the house so they can have more personal time without driving the owner crazy?

My male has never been crazy in the house. Not even marking. Is it a bitch thing?

Re: Kennel Dogs into house?

I have had the same problem with behavior of kennel dogs in the house. It helps me to put them on a leash in the beginning so that they begin to understand what their boundries are, what is permitted and what's not. Try one at a time and do it only when you have the time and patience.

Re: Kennel Dogs into house?

Are they the same age and have they grown up together? Sometimes individuals are fine but pair them up and you have terror twins.

Re: Kennel Dogs into house?

Start with picking a time when you are sitting around relaxing. Just bring one of the unruly girls into the house at a time. Along with her, bring in one of your best behaved dogs. Give them both a nice bone to chew on.

Continue to bring one in at a time with a well behaved one and the unruly one will learn to relax in the house from the behaved dog. If rough housing starts, put the girl back outdoors. This will teach her to be calm in the house and that outdoors is for playing.

Good Luck!

Terror Twins

I have 2 wonderful girls (bitches) They are terror twins that I do not let in the house at the same time
The were litter mates ........ At night they are only allowed in the bedroom to sleep.... They do well only in the bedroom but when I go to let them out whewww!!! they are 2 yo .... the advice you're giving is great!

Re: Kennel Dogs into house?

partners in crime
Are they the same age and have they grown up together? Sometimes individuals are fine but pair them up and you have terror twins.

Same here--OMG it was bad. So I changed how I did it.

Bring them in 1 ata time then add 1 more.* See how that goes. It worked for me with ages 6mo. 14 mo. 18mo. terror twins.

*When I added no. 2 it was not the twin so I eventually had 3 in side, 1 from each group of litter-mateys. It worked. I waited and added 1 of the twins ata time. No more then 4 in the house tho. I rotate them allot. Now it's lotsa fun.