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Help: antibodics for UTI

Help, My female is showing signs of a UTI today, (frequent urinating). She is 8 years old, what antibodics do most of you breeders reccommend?

Our vet is closed today, and i do have septra & cephelixian on hand.

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

Maybe start cranberry capsules and a little vitamin C plus make sure she drinks well. Is she spayed? If not, any signs of pyometra or may she possibly be coming into season?

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

I found a blurb on web that indicated that septra is NOT for initial UTI.

"Urinary Tract Infections: For the treatment of urinary tract infections due to susceptible strains of the following organisms: Escherichia coli, Kelbsiella species, Enterobacter species, Morganella morganii, Proteus mirabilis, and Proteus vulgaris. It is recommended that initial episodes of uncomplicated urinary tract infections be treated with a single effective antibacterial agent rather than the combination."

Cephalexin is contra indicated if there is any sign of kidney failure, not out of the realm of possibility in a senior dog. It could make a dog with compromised kidneys sicker.

Therefore, I wouldn't give anything stronger than the cranberry capsules and vitamin C, which alone may control this if still at the subclinical stage. Your vet can help you tomorrow. If she is prone to UTIs, the cranberry capsules may be more effective at preventing, rather than treating, UTIs, but it is worth a shot.

Or I might try fish amoxi, especially if okayed by your vet over the phone.

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

Start on Ceph

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

Start on Ceph
What dose do you recommend and don't you think cran caps are also necessary?

OP, call your vet 1st thing in the morning.

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

I am not sure exactly what pyometra it?

This is her first UTI. I was put on Septra in the past for Human UTI, and it worked for me.

She has also been very picky with the dog food, and i am cooking her rice, checken, eggs, cottage cheese.

Also, seen milk in nipple, this could be a false pregnacy.

I am very concerned.

Thank you,

Re: Help: antibodics for UTI

I, too, would be concerned. The lack of appetite in particular. What is her temperature? How long ago was she in season? Any chance she could be pregnant? She is of an age when that uterus should come out if she is still intact and presumably not breeding! Here is why:

Pyometra, or pyo for short, is pus in the uterus.
Here's link.

Please take your girl's temp, and go to an emergency vet if she gets worse. Or at least see the vet in the early morning--call ahead today, then be there. Obviously, your dose of septra is too high for her.

Good luck. It is tough when they are sick.