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Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

I've got a dog that is not competitive in the breed ring at the specialtys, but I've got a bitch that I take to a few here and there. I'm getting into rally with the male, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to take him too and enter him into the rally, or do not many exhibitors show up for the rally at Specialtys? I hate being the only dog in the class, and really I'll only do it if there are 3+ (including me) in the class.
Do many show in rally at Potomac?
We are not get ready for obedience.

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

If they offer rally, why not show. Does it really matter how many competitors there are? I wish my club's specialty would have rally, but they say it's too much work to keep the performance component of the specialty.

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

By all means, it would be a nice place to show in Rally. The only downside I can think of is you would miss some of the conformation judging. So it all depends on how compulsive you are about seeing all the judging.

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

By all means enter rally at a specialty! It's fun! There's lots of camaraderie! Plus it supports the specialty! At Potomac - I think there were around 60-70 entries if I'm not mistaken.

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

Ya made me count. 80!!!

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?


We just recently started offering Rally at our show(Shawnee Mission LRC)and we have 15-20 entries. We usually have about 40ish in the regular obedience classes as well. There are a lot of people who come to show in conformation and obedience. Have fun!!!

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

I love showing in obedience and rally at Specialties. My boys isn't the type that does well in breed at Specialties so I show in obedience and rally. Great fun! They usually have wonderful trophies and prizes, too. Go for it!

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

I had to check a catalog. The Winnebago specialty in '08 had 39 rally entries on Saturday.

Re: Many exhibitors in Rally at Specialtys?

Great, thank you all for being so informative, I think we'll plan on taking him with us to the specialtys! Now I have to hope the pup will do her job in the breed ring!

...that was a big entery at Potomac, wow! And Winnebago too. My handler is considering Winnebago this year.